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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumDescription: New category Im creating to see if I can add videos to a new playlist. Since Pornhub updated their system, sometime in the last two weeks (since they added human verification step), I cannot add videos to most of my current playlists. The only exception has been the category of Watch Later. In addition quite a few of my playlists have dissappeared, while others have been duplicated at the same time. Yet while I cannot find any of missing playlists, except in the spot where you can add a video to your playlists. Even though I can see the playlist there, I cant add any videos to it. I have sent two emails to Pornhub support, but as of today, I have not received a response and the problem still exists. So this is a test category to see if I can add videos to any new playlists that I create. Tuesday 02/06/2018 at 9:50 am.
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