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À propos de CreativeKinks
Happily married couple exploring kink together. We are a real couple and love the idea of you or anyone watching us play and have fun. This is pretty new to us yet we love it already. We hope that whatever we post you will enjoy. Remaining anonymous IS what turns us on, so please respect we do not and will not be showing our faces or trying to be "real" porn stars. We just want to have fun and like the idea of being watched and (hopefully) turning a few people on. If you like what you see, please consider leaving a like. If you LOVE what you see, please consider subscribing! Of course, tips REALLY do help to continue our page here. All that said, the only thing we really ask is that you are kind. That, and we hope you enjoy! WE do L❤VE our fans! Cum sooo good for us!!!
Situation amoureuse: Pris
Intéressé par: Gars et Filles
Sexe: Couple
Ethnicité: White
Faux Seins: Non
Intérêts et Loisirs: Dirty Talk, Dildos, Role Playing, Anal, Tease and Denial, Role Reversal, and Voyeurism.
Ce que j'aime: each other.
Ce que je déteste: Rude people. If you don't like what you see, please just move on. We're really here to have a good time, not to be put down. So, please, if you have nothing nice to say, just don't say it at all.
Visionnements de la vidéo: 1 074 014
Affichages de profil: 149 542
Vidéos vues: 335
Présentation 1-24 de 27


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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Duke"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Squire"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "2 year old account"
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We want to stay here, but...

If you enjoy any of our videos that have been horribly down voted as of late( yes, someone or more than one person ) has been disliking a video or two a day now, please be so kind to leave a like on a video or two that you find deserving of a like...we REALLY WANT to stay here, but now Hubby is considering deleting out account. I know I DEFINITELY do NOT WANT that, but if this keeps happening he says he wants to go somewhere else, where fans can only see us..this is my last chance at convincing my Husband to keep us here. So, please help us if u truly want us to stay. My fans( our fans),the few we have, really do keep ME going...thank u to all and to all a happy new year. I hope it's a new year for the books, and only encompasses happiness and joy. L ❤️ V E to the kind fans we do have and thank you for all the support shown to us throughout this year and a half adventure. If we do leave, do not think it is because of YOU, the real fans. No, it will ONLY be because of those showing hate our way. Please know how much I appreciate all of you that have enjoyed our time here if this happens to be my last post. Thank u to those.who have been so genuinely kind. ❤️
P.S.- if all goes well we will have a new video for you to love and enjoy, so that I can continue cumming for you all. After all, I LOVE making these videos for our fans to enjoy. I love being watched by sweet, kind strangers, couples, and everyone in between whom are into our kinks. Hubby loves that I get off on it and he likes to show me off. With that said, hoping our fans cum through and help me to convince my Hubby to continue uploading our videos. We already have two ready to go and filmed...just a matter of our fans wanting it. Much love. ❤️
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To any fans we may have..

We would first like to take the time and send a heartfelt Happy Holidays to all of our wonderful fans that have always been so kind and supportive. We wish you all a happy and safe season with family and friends alike. ☃️🎄
Our last thing we would like to address is that we have a SERIOUS hater(s) that is, on a nearly everyday basis, leaving down votes to videos that had always been doing well with our fans and have now seen significant dislikes. It's getting to where every time I look at our page I see that someone has been putting dislikes on videos that we worked Sooooo hard on( no pun intended) for our fans and viewer's. All we ask is that if any one of you happen to really enjoy our channel, please be so kind, if u have the time, to leave a like or two on a video(s) that our now doing poorly...it would mean so much to me and my Hubby. It really sucks having someone trying to destroy our space here and really hurts that there our those few sour, bitter people whom want to just bring us down for their own personal gain. We have never been one's to do such a thing and we always give likes to videos we enjoy, never dislikes. So, if you are reading this and happen to be one of our few fans, please be so kind to leave us a like or two on one or two of our now struggling videos? Only if u truly enjoy them of course. If not, no worries. We still love our fans so very much and u mean a lot to us. Happy holidays 🎄 to all!!! ❤️
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Ooohhhh. yesssss!!!!

Oh yes, posting a nearly 10 minute video of me cumming all over my fat BBC Blow-up doll this Sunday night about 9pm EST!!!! Thank you to the fans who have been WAITING PATIENTLY!!! WITHOUT YOU,.there would be no US. NO VIDEOS for us to excitedly share.....I've taken notice and talked to a few of you few, but very kind and loyal fans. So, somewhere around 9pm EST, expect to see me finishing and cumming sooo good on my BBC Blow-up!!!! OMG,.SO MUCH BIGGER than Hubby!! Honestly, thank you for your.kind patience....see.you.then and thanks again!!!❤️
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