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À propos de TxGal409
Female, Woman, Gender Neutral, Fluctuating/Evolving, Bi Curious, Straight, Goddess, fuckdoll, Primal Sensualist, Corruptor, Dominant, She/Her, I love men that are taller than my 5'4 self lol if I said daddy, I want your '' seed sperm '', I love it, i'm cumming or my eyes roll back then you are doing it well inside me but if I am silent then you are doing it wrong. I prefer anal boofin missionary more because licking it or lube it will not work on me thank you. also my clit on top is easier to orgasm even if you lick or finger it than lick whole pussy or I have to start over to try orgasm for you. but I would love multiple men licking it too at the same time. I love bi men too. I do all ethnicity Period!!! I am Cum Dumpster Attention Spoiled Brat sperm Whore 24/7!!! I love $$$!!! Your Cock must be thick, huge , white creamy size 7 inch to 12 inch only but if it is smaller than that then go get a pill to enlarge them. I do not judge any man's looks. Recording is an extra fee,
Situation amoureuse: Célibataire
Intéressé par: Mecs
Sexe: Femme
Lieu de Naissance: United States of America
Hauteur: 5' 4" (162cm)
Poids: 178lbs. (81kg)
Faux Seins: Non
Tatouages: Yes
Piercings: No
Ville de naissance: Kirbyville
Intérêts et Loisirs: Also, please do rub my clit help to go faster for us during the sex!!! I do love the way you touch my boobs, my nipples too when I ride you!!!! I do not drive at all period.. Please do come enjoy me & I do love Primal Men!!! Please do show love to be inside my tight holes!! so please do not say bad things about ruining my reputation when we record our sessions!! I love getting hickey '' biting '', I love my hair being pulled even during blowjobs too. I love light spanking, I do light bondage ( bdsm), I love having my ass being grabbed or clinched at while having sex doggy style but I prefer missionary and side way as well as cowgirl position more sexually. I do enjoy 69 but you have to be on top of me so I hate to be face sitting until you turn blue. so please spread me very well, you should put my long legs up yourself... I love hard, deep love making sessions!!! please keep draining more than the fifth cream pie in me.
Ce que j'aime: I should and would be your wonderful naughty best experience ever! when you are here inside my wet sloshing tight holes!! you can love me all you want that is if you want me to be your favorite woman but please do not stalk me!!! I do love light choking on my neck during sexual session, I love being called a good girl.. Thank you for calling me Beautiful, Sexy, Hot which I am whether I am Skinny or not!!! I might try Clit Pumping, Vaginal Fisting, Vaginal Double Penetration or even Triple Penetration, Foursome and maybe more than 5 men gang bang for the long term if I know you well to trust you only!!! I love MMF, Threesome, BI Men too!! I hate FFM sorry but not sorry!!! Females can eat my pussy as long as they are clean, I will not eat theirs... you cannot be a couple!!! I do love kissing while having a sex time but let us brush our teeth before we do!! I love biting you too!! I can ride on top of you to drain you very well, I might leave cum left on your cock too!!!
Ce que je déteste: Rough Sex, i am no longer into women anymore. I do not do couples, hook ups, I am not a one night stand either. Sweating on me is a huge turn off! I am not your mistress at all!!! This is not free fun for you & I because this is well worth the Paid Session only!!! I do not do dirty talk!!! Do not steal anything from my page without my permission of my consent knowledge or You will be Legally Charged Prison Wise by me!!! but you are allowed to share my page!!!! I will not be begging for it!! No drama of any kind, no negativity is allowed, you will be blocked by me. I don't have any time to troll you either. You cannot legally sue me due to it because all social media covered by freedom of speech as long as I don't post your home address which that I'm legally bound to do besides trolling isn't covered by freedom of speech. Reporting my page is messing with my money so Y'all should grow up seriously.
Visionnements de la vidéo: 440 830
Affichages de profil: 166 326
Vidéos vues: 229
Présentation 1-24 de 33


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