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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumMy personal tastes: I'm Pansexual, and if I had to define my gender and role it would be: male lesbian, with an appreciation and active interest in BDSM aspects and lifestyle, I would consider myself a Switch within the BDSM community and deeply enjoy light Femdom in both my personal and professional life. Physically: I find myself attracted to light skinned and freckled or the unseasonably tanned, usually with a very low body fat percentage. My Porn tastes: I like anal sex with round white butts, flat and toned tummies and girls who can do the splits. I like pretty TS performers and androgynous female performers with strap-ons. In an ideal world there would be a channel dedicated to putting Buttplugs and BBC's in bisexual ballerinas. I don't think of myself as a furry but I would like to see and try more Neko and Toying/Threesome DP scenes where one of the participants is a stuffed toy wearing a strap-on.
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