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XXX Domain Names

ICM Registry is the name of the company that began registering xxx domain names on Tuesday, December 7, 2011. Now the porn industry has its place on the internet. This moves marks a great leap forward for the internet because it opens the door for entire industries to have their own domain ending. Porn is the official leader of the internet. Their influence has created a completely new way of surfing. Now you can surf and search by domain ending if you are looking for adult content.

The opposition to this designation is by the the establishnent because the more freedom people have the less control they have. The internet is making people rich and middle class through non traditional methods. While established methods no longer work. A college education does not count for much these days because business is not expanding. Well the porn industry is.

In the future, they may be domain ending for social media and other newly created industries.

Network Etiquette dot net

Everyone could use a little netiquette!
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Free Sites, Paid Content, And Premium Porn

Sex is a good thing. There are limits on it based on societal norms. These are the laws, Netiquette is the culture.

The culture of free adult content sites is free. Content generators are aloud to upload a wide range of content with little quality standards.

Paid adult content sites have done well and are satisfying customers. The culture is XXX adult content has the highest health and safety standards.

Guess what. We have to raise the bar and follow the rules of netiquette because premium porn has made its way to WiFi.

Everyone generating content in porn world has to step up the game or lose spot at the internet table because the regulators are mounting up!

Follow proper porn netiquette rules by Network Etiquette Dot Net.

Remember, everyone could use a little netiquette!
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Firefighters Cleared of Porn Wrong Doing

Venice Beach Firefighters were cleared of any wrong doing in a porn shoot that used a fire truck as a back drop in Venice, CA on the Boardwalk.

There is nothing wrong with a beautiful women posing in front of a fire truck. I think it's hot. This is a different situation than the traffic cops appearing in the video for many reasons. No firefighters appeared in the video, let alone touch one of the actresses in the video. Furthermore, the fire truck was parked in a public place.

I am glad the fire department made the right decision to refrain from good firefighters.

NetworkEtiquette (dot) net
Everyone could use a little netiquette!
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The Playboy Club TV Show Is Great For America

The Playboy Club show is great for America because reproduction of American Citizens by American Citizens (undocumented workers included) will help us keep our values. Simply put, this series promotes what is good in America, hot women. It is also good for the porn industry because it takes it out of the gutter by acknowledging that men like hot women and will pay to see them. This is nothing new.

To all the critics who want to sensor the show or take it off the air, please understand that you do not have to watch it. should not watch it and if they are it is their parents fault. Furthermore, it is not the end of the world if a sees the show either. There are worse things on TV for them.

Congratulations to the Playboy brand. I commend you for making it to the mainstream.

NetworkEtiquette dot net
Everyone could use a little netiquette : )
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Streaming Video is going mainstream and so should heterosexual porn

Netflix has 20 million subscribers, Walmart just started offering streaming video with a faster delivery of new titles than Netflix and Hulu is going to sell for big bucks. None of these sites have the experience with streaming video that the porn industry does. It is time to shape up and create a river, not just a stream.

Heterosexual content that mixes high quality porn with the marketing experience of the industry will save society.

I want to make it clear. Homosexuality is against everything good in the world. It is against their own mothers. Lesbians are hot and that kind of content is cool because men dig it. However, for society to continue we have to be heterosexual. Homosexuality should be tolerated, but not glorified.

The porn industry has been making money from streaming video before Netflix was even thought of. Now it's time for porn to take the next step. Better content and mainstream users. Make everyone talk about how hot that beautiful latina is when she did that POV video. How they want something just like that. When we all start talking about it. That's when the porn industry will take a giant leap for mankind.

NetworkEtiquette dot net
Everyone could use a little netiquette : )
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The Porn Industry Matures

Since Facebook has become so popular that Google has created their own social network the porn industry has to change. Social Networks are just porn networks. This is evidenced by the way Facebook was founded, by rating women. It is not a that Mark Zuckerberg was a little horn dog that knew how to program. People have been rating porn content since the internet began.

The new direction of porn has to be heterosexual to survive with realistic plots. Softcore storylines with hardcore scenes. There has to be easily identifiable levels from no nudity to vaginal penatration and beyond becuase that is what a social network is all about, who you have sex with. The groups your in and the people you hangout with are your porn circle in reality and the plots and stoylines of porn have to reflect that to reclaim the most visitors and highest profits on the internet.

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Porn Gets A Traffic Cop Fired For Bad Netiquette

Way to go porn industry. A traffic officer for Los Angeles was fired and another was reprimanded for appearing in a porn video. Those stupid cops did not even realize that the industry was making fun of them by allowing them to be in a video in their uniforms. Police uniforms cannot be respected if they will do a porn video for free. Actually, no one in the LAPD should be respected.

It is bad netiquette for anyone to appear in a porn video while working at another job. For a cop to do it is downright demeaning.

I believe porn has its place and is not demeaning to women if done tastefully.

People who appear in porn while getting paid to do something are demeaning their jobs.

Everyone could use a little netiquette : )
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Porn Netiquette

This is a netiquette blog about the rules for watching porn on the internet, Adult Rules. I have a website about netiquette and am developing the rules. Please comment on this and future posts.
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NetworkEtiquette.net Everyone could use a little netiquette : )

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