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No Audible Becoming Monsters Yet

I keep getting this question:
"Do you have the full audiobook on audible?"
The answer is no, Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 are the only full chapters and then the advert teases a few scenes from many chapters throughout the book. The book includes 33 full story chapters, 2 interlude chapters, 4 comedic Honoka In Wonderland chapters, then about 4 more chapters worth of content including character status updates, an epilogue and an Author Q&A. Each chapter costs me $300 to convert into audioporn and I've already spent all my money just getting 2 chapters on top of other costs to publish the first book.
I plan on repeating this process for the other books in this series, but a full audiobook would require thousands of dollars that I don't have. If you, the fans, want to see it happen, I need the books to make sales. That happens with likes and comments in the videos and then reviews on Amazon after purchasing the Kindle edition or reading it on KU.
Until then, subscribe to my website to get updates twice a week about what's happening or email me directly or comment to page here, I'll respond quickly.
Thank you for making me feel loved!
Keep harmonizing!
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "2 year old account"
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This Account Is To Promote My Books

I keep getting friend requests from spammers wanting to sugar daddy me. I keep accepting them because I'm trying to network and build a following so people can read my smut from Amazon and hopefully buy my book there. Once I get a message in my inbox that is unrelated to questions about authoring smut or my book specifically, that person gets instantly blocked.
Please, I am not interested in spam, relationships, streaming or whatever. I'm an author, I write expansion smut, this page is to promote that. If you want to talk about my books, I am very happy to reply but I am not interested in anything else, really.
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Becoming Monsters Has A Censored Version

Not that I think people here will care, but Becoming Monster Book 1: Growing Problems now has a censored edition:
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New Video From Editor-Kun

My editor made a video: https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5eeccd096906a
He has different tastes than I do, but the video is still explicitly hot and steamy! And the reason he made it was to practice for a job he's starting next week so if it looks a little rough, its because it was his first time. I love it, so hit the like button if you want to encourage him to make more!
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In a true tribute to Avatar the Last Airbender, I have performed Pornbending! Listen to my videos and then go and see what all your friends are fapping to!
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No more will I lurk in the porny shadows! I am a writer of smut and the Hub will be the place from which I launch my PROJECT!! ...um, cum back in a few months, the project should be live then.
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À propos de

If you are looking for love, I can't help you. If you are looking for weird, monstery, expansiony lustful erotica, I have the stories for you. Hi, my nom de plume is Ai Love. I live in the USA with my spouse and decided one day that I would rather write instead of just read all the stuff filling up my Kindle app. When I am not writing, I tend to watch too much anime and spend too much time playing either Minecraft or Satisfactory. I also have a day job, so I sometimes don't get enough . Because I discovered the internet at an impressionable have an overtly perverted mind and finally decided it would be nice to share. I mean, Rule 34 is a rule, not a suggestion. I wish only hugs and kisses upon everyone and hope you take my stories in the same way they are given: entertainment. I do not wish offense on anyone, but please take the warnings inside the book to heart because not everything is for everyone. Contact me at AiLovesToGrow from my Gmail account. I have a website (be gentle)

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