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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumReally hard to say... Let's start with the obvious: I'm a girl. Here to watch some kinky stuff and exchange thougts and fantasy. (Sorry I'm not here to be a girl, or trade skype or other things: I am not an exibithionist so, don't ask). I'm just an ordinary girl, maybe I'm kinda "nerdy" LOL single, bisexual, with a few of selected "friends + benefits" (You know what I mean) ... so I don't have to search real sex partners out here plus I'm VERY selective: going through my mind, deep in my skin it's quite never easy (yeah and it's also hard to get deep into my ***** ). Other things... I'm curious and my brain is always in motion, no matter where. And I am also a complicated "genetic milkshake" In my veins there's German, Italian, Polski and even Scandinavian , therefore I'm against ALL kind of racism, and my reaction is even worst againt people. I'm kinda tall, more or less 5'11 / 170 Lbs and. I think that's all.
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