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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a young guy looking for some good, quality fun. Whether if it's personal in a sense of the both of us getting to know each other better even on a non-sexual note or sexual in a sense of the both of us sharing pictures and videos of ourselves or even a combination of our friendship being both personal and sexual, I'm casual but I will admit that I would prefer our friendship to be as long as it can healthily and as long as the chemistry is right between the both of us, then that's the best thing. Also, on a side note, I am actually very interested in dom/sub relationships, acting in a dom and interested a long term sub, either a slave or a princess. I do have experience of being both a daddy and master and I love very much being in control and always being in charge. I do know that respect must be given from both sides and as long that is clear, then I would gladly have you on your knees, submitted to me.
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