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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI first saw action in the First World War as a junior officer of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. At Méteren, near the Belgian border at Bailleul, I was shot through the right lung by a sniper, during the First Battle of Ypres. On returning to the Western Front as a general staff officer, I took part in the Battle of Arras in April/May 1917. I also took part in the Battle of Passchendaele in late 1917 before finishing the war as chief of staff of the 47th (2nd London) Division. In the inter-war years I commanded the 17th (Service) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers and, later, the 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment before becoming commander of 9th Infantry Brigade and then General officer commanding (GOC) 8th Infantry Division. During the Western Desert campaign of the Second World War, I commanded the British Eighth Army from August 1942, through the Second Battle of El Alamein and on to the final Allied victory in Tunisia in May 1943. I subsequently commanded the British Eighth Army during the Allied
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