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Princeton, United States
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Yeah, yeah... I know I'm hot!
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il y a 7 ans
Yes you are Princess!
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I Cannot Stand Marijuana!

I was just reminded that tomorrow's date is 4/20. I hate weed in every possible way! It's an unhealthy habit, the smell is disgusting, and it solves nothing because it just makes every problem worse. It's okay if you smoke marijuana, but please try to be careful. If you're thinking about starting, try to steer clear of it. I can tell you that around 65% of girls don't  like it, so why bother to try to be cool?
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Best Song Ever

If you haven't heard this song, listen to it immediately! It's called "Band on the Run" by Paul McCartney and Wings. I can't really explain it, but something about it really just speaks to me. Not the words, though they are pretty interesting, but it's the music and the smoothness to it. Please listen to it!
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Philosopher"
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String Theory (Introduction)

[A few paragraphs from a book I'm writing on the String Theory 👽 ]
For more than half a century, even in the midst of myriad great scientific achievements, there has been a dark cloud on the horizon, threatening modern physics. The 20th century demonstrated the construction of the two foundational pillars on which physics now stands. The first of these supports is Albert Einstein's General Relativity; the conception provides a theoretical framework to understand the Universe on the most prodigious of scales: stars, clusters of stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, etc. The other is Quantum Mechanics which provides the framework to understand the Universe on the most miniscule of scales: molecules, atoms, leptons, quarks, etc. Both of these pillars have seemingly been experimentally proven throughout the decades. They seem sturdy and unwavering; however, there is a disturbing conclusion that we have come to realize. As they are currently formulated, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics cannot both be right; they are mutually incompatible. The reason for this is quite simple in actuality. For the vast majority of their time, physicists only need to use Quantum or Relativity; they are not needed to be used together. Though at the end of the day, the Universe can very well provide extreme cases that call for both. The most paramount of these cases celestial entities called Black Holes. These fallen stars have taken an enormous mass and crushed it into microscopic size. That means that Relativity is necessary due to the singularity. When Relativity equations are paired with Quantum equations, the elicits impossible and nonsensical answers. These typically manifest as probabilities coming out to OVER 100% It makes no mathematical sense for a probability to be greater than "certain"; there is an undeniable crack at the bases of these foundational pillars. Could it really be that its core, the Universe, is divided? The "Superstring" theory answers with a resounding "NO". Intense research by physicists and mathematicians around the world demonstrate that this theory eases the tension between the contrasting Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. In fact, the Superstring theory takes an extra step by proposing a framework that actually requires both Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. It not only fixes an unhappy gap, it demonstrates an inevitable marriage of laws. On a related note, Einstein spent decades searching for a unified theory, a theoretical tapestry comprised of all natural forces and material constituents. He failed. The String theory provides a new possibility for this theory of everything. It provides the chance to see that everything in the Universe of all magnitudes are simply manifestations of the same one grand physical principal.
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À propos de

I'm an Astrophysicist, which means I study chemistry and physics and apply it to the study of literally everything in space and the universe. I went to collage at the age of 16 through the school seeing that I was exceptionally intelligent. You may be asking why I'm on PornHub. Well, relationships aren't really my thing and every other dating website requires money. I am actually looking for a relationship. My mother always asks me when I'll get a boyfriend (or a girlfriend). If you want to chat, just hit me up. Don't be shy! ;)

Dernière connexion:
il y a 7 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Ville de naissance:
Barrow, Alaska
"United States"
Princeton University
Bachelor's Degree (working on Master's)
Intérêts et passe-temps:
I love to draw and paint. If you all want me to, I can post a picture of one of my drawings every day. I also love to sing a lot. I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at it, too!
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club, but other than that, I'm a huge nerd- I really like Star Wars, Star Trek, Back To The Future, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, etc. If you can think of it, I've probably seen it.
Musique favorite:
I love classic rock and 70's rock. My favorites are Led Zeppelin, The Who, Eagles, David Bowie, Queen, Journey, 10cc, ERIC CLAPTON, The Police, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Journey, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cream, The Rolling Stones, etc.
Livres favoris:
Anything from Neil Degrasse Tyson. I also love the Percy Jackson series for some odd reason, but it's still really good. Mostly, I read biographies and informational books that no one really cares about.
Ce que j'aime:
I really like bbc, dirty talk, rough sex, and trans girls (m2f). I love cross dressers and RuPaul's Drag Race. I enjoy having someone who is intelligent, yet kind. I don't often find that at my workplace.
Ce que je déteste:
bdsm really turns me off. I like rough play and all, but I just can't get into whips and . I don't like really old guys, really fat guys, or really rude guys. Interruption is a huge turn off, too!
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