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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumWas born in Michigan and moved to AZ when I was 11 I like going to the dog park a couple times a week, 4x4ing and seeing the state, member of AZ 4x4 Club, trying new things, shooting pool, live music, I listen to a little of everything but 98 KUPD mostly, I love to laugh and can't have too much fun.. I am looking to meet people and see where it goes, cant find the right person without meeting people. As far political views, they need to add Libertarian. I have 13 tattoos and have lost count of how many I have in the works. I race my Camaro on the weekends when I can, at tracks. I have 2 wonderful daughters who live out of state. Alot of people put on here what they like psychically and age wise, i am not too concerned with either of those, within reason, I have a few pounds to lose and I am over 40 myself. Now the "within reason" part I don't expect you to be a 21 year old supermodel but don't be 400lbs and 65, thats probably a little too far out. Someone that knows me said I needed to add this "Tha
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