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The story of BKK Femdom couple - Part 1

It was back in early 2015, about 3 weeks after my girlfriend and I impulsively tried experimenting with Female Domination after a night of hard partying in an underground club away in Bangkok Metropolis. I was walking back from the gym on this Saturday morning, reflecting on that extreme weekend, and subconsciously questioning my overwhelming desire to do it all again. Little did I know then, my life was about to take a dramatic and unexpected new path. We had finally left the hotel in downtown Sukhumvit. The rock and roll style weekend, as they often did (do) had typically rolled over into the following Monday morning, and required quick thinking (lies) to get into work late, unquestioned, and without any major issues. A lot to deliver whilst looking like a cross between Paul Gascoine, George Best, and Deigo Maradona. We had been experimenting... Experimenting scenarios with my GF taking a dominant role sexually. We tried, tested, and persevered with this at our hotel for around 30 hours straight, due to some recreational supplements that must have been slipped into our drinks . They were largely responsible for a chemical brain alteration, that (potentially positively) had a large impact on our levels of confidence and effectively removed many barriers. The following few days, we didn't talk about it as we were both understandably feeling the well deserved side effects, predominantly serotonin deficiencyinduced that come with the territory of a heavy weekend like the one that had just passed. Interestingly, I didn't encounter my usual regrets on this occasion, presumably because some of my lifelong fantasies had been fulfilled and then some. I was reflecting on the difference that 30 hours in the driving seat had made to my GF's entire persona. Initially, she had been unsure and perhaps a little taken back by the whole situation. It was my idea and I knew in my own mind that I deliberately instigated the situation by planting subliminal seeds to someone who was in a potential 'Euphoric Condition' at the time and may have had clouded judgment. Since I can remember, I have always fantasized about being sexually subordinate, to a gorgeous, dominant female and I recall that initially that night, I was trying to lift her up and physically place her on my face, in a manner to make her realise what gets me off. We watched an impressive percentage of some of the fetish specific videos that are readily available online, to gain a better insight and understanding into the different areas of this newly found fetish. It is a minefield of different clicks that suit different people, and there needs to be some sort of verbal agreement as to the boundaries this may entail. I proposed that she could choose any video and I would reenact the role of the male in each clip and vice versa, to gain a visual understanding of each other's sexual preferences. Fast forward 30 hours and my jaw was locked frozen from a combination of factors, and my tongue was split where I had spent hours beneath my new mistress, worshiping her pussy and arsehole. I had nearly several times, but she was in the zone, climaxing not realizing the length of time I had been , hearing voices from the afterlife of long lost relatives welcoming me to join them in hell. My arms were tied to the bedposts, and her full weight was riding my face like a woman jockey racing the last lap of the grand national, bouncing almost psychotically to gain pole position. I was paralyzed and completely at her hands. I had just discovered a new , private or possibly untapped personality of my partner, which I liked, and craved, but was genuinely shocked and possibly a bit concerned that I may have bitten off more than I could chew. It was fascinating to witness her effortlessly slip into the role of a dominatrix. She was in her element and thrived at the prospect of having full control of me of which I now was fully aware. Anyway, so I was walking back from the gym and my phone bleeped. It was a message from my girlfriend to let me know her friends Jadie and Myo had visited. They wanted me to stop off and get them some vodka along with some mixers. It had been well over a year since they had last met up, so naturally, I obliged and diverted my route home stop by the liquor store. I had met Jadie and Myo briefly before but didn't know them well. They were from a different part of the labyrinth of Bangkok and had understandably lost regular contact. I remembered them as being different from my partner. She had been consistently an honest, faithful type who tells it how it is so you know where you stand with her. I knew that Jadie was from a wealthy family and didn't work. She came with a reputation of having multiple wealthy partners at any one time with no expected commitment, thus spent the majority of her nights either fine dining or frequenting highend clubs with some unlucky guy footing the bill. Myo was from a poor family of slum dwellers. She shared a metal sheet and fabric built hut, that housed 3 generations of her family therefore her daily objective seemed somewhat to be to tag along with Jadie most nights, then seduce a tourist with luxury, private accommodation which would defer going home to a shared bed with no aircon, and potentially get paid a bit of cash for her family on way out in the morning. I got back with the requested drinks around 20 minutes later and greeted our guests. All three of them were sat on our long leather sofa. It was 40 degrees outside with the humidity at around 96% and I couldn't help but notice on arrival that all three girls were wearing short, loosefitting, linen skirts, and you could just visualize their knickers from a subtle side glance, without looking like a complete pervert. I had just finished welcoming our guests, when my GF out of the blue and completely out of character, abruptly projected "  What are you stood here for, go and make us our drinks". I was temporarily shocked and holding in my rage, I replied 'Sorry, I am pretty sure there should have been at a minimum, a please on the end of that sentence, plus it could have been put in a friendlier manner' She glanced instantly at me with a facial expression that I had never seen her wear before... "Do you want me to tell my friends that you get off with me sat on your fucking your face, riding you like a horse for hours on end and that you would eagerly lick my arsehole clean on demand?" I was visibly embarrassed at this uncomfortable, unexpected situation and before I could even respond she had "barked" the word 'Drinks' at me. I was in a confrontational and humiliating scenario that had been provoked with a purpose. My historic reaction would have been to lost control and engage in an act of v******e. But this was different. I was out of my comfort zone and in and therefore in a mental state of momentary shock and confusion. I subconsciously carried out her request. I hadn't even comprehended that my fetish would not stay between us. Not once did it cross my mind that she could use my preference for submissiveness to provide any type of personal gain outside of our relationship or private affairs. As I was preparing 4 vodkas, it hit me that I felt ashamed to walk back into the room because I had let my GF talk to me like that. I was stood delaying the walk of shame back to my guests, whilst slurping on my vodka when I was summonsed by all three of them simultaneously ordering their drinks! I could hear them talking amongst themselves and hoped that I could sneak in, and drop off their drinks unnoticed and somehow manage to escape to another room... No such luck. As I entered the lounge their body language and chatter made it apparent that they were talking and laughing about me, and my newly discovered marital weakness. My GF was the first to start trying to humiliate me vocally "Do you really think that I wouldn't tell my friends that my boyfriend has become my bitch?" She burst out laughing, then continued "We have been planning ways in which we can use and you for weeks. I was video calling them whilst perched on your face at the hotel that night, everyone knows. Jadie has been dominating submissive guys like yourself for years and given me loads of tips to gain the most from you. Why do you think we all partially opened our legs earlier when you arrived? To watch you try and check all three of us out at once and prove that you are a fucking pussy loving pervert! Myo has just admitted that she is also submissive, but let's get this straight, you are far below her in the pecking order because you have a penis, so you are her bitch. But she has just become another one of ours. Now, apologize to the pussies that you rudely tried to peek at with on your entrance. Visit them one by one and start with Jadies. I want you to kiss it sorry through her knickers." Fuck me, I didn't expect things to escalate that quickly and I was stuck in a new mindset, somewhere unknown to me between unclear, mixed zones with no boundaries, anger, excitement, humiliation, and resentment. I knew if this had been a male I would have attacked them instantly. But for some reason, I was drawn into the supremacy of these confident, sexually perverse females and almost hypnotically fell to my knees and start trying to suck the juices from Jadie through her black laced knickers. I was trying to hide the fact that my cock was rock hard, but they were one step ahead and a collection of feet and toes started pulling at my balls and cock. It was their way of demonstrating that they were fully aware was massively turned on by their illtreatment. I heard my wife let out a sudden, highpitched laugh. Her hand then firmly gripped the back of my head and drove it hard into Jadies crutch, until I couldn't breathe. I realised she had used this as a decoy to slip a choke chain around my neck and had now secured my head to Jadies groin area. These bitches had it in for me, and whatever they had planned, it was undeniably predetermined. Jadie was starting to get ridiculously wet, knowing that my face was bound to her dripping cunt and I could taste her cum dripping through the insets of the black laced lingerie. For some reason, I looked up and tried to make eye contact with her. I don't know why, perhaps to gain some kind of approval that she was satisfied with my service, or maybe for sympathy? But, she was on her phone. trying to find some cock for that evening. That's when I discovered a newly implemented rule that banned my penis from entering all pussies. Jadies exact words were ' Your tongue is the only friend you have left, remember that and ensure you apply it wherever you go" I had been passed between the three girls six different exit holes multiple times, and now i was back was slurping on my Jadies rectal passage, whilst trying to work out what the fuck was happening to me. Then I heard a similar noise to my left. My GF had evidently mastered the skill of of weaker mindsets, as she had Myo's head in a scissor lock with her pants around her ankles and was technically r****g her face. I never did find out what the history behind that was, but I nervously watched my mistress enjoy the suffering of others more and more. Myo left without speaking. She was dripping wet from head to toe and exhausted from a combination of cum, sweat, and tears. After approximately one more hour of worshiping the two remaining females, I was ordered to go to our garage to collect a box that had been mailed earlier that day. I gave it to my mistresses who opened it, then proceeded to pull out a large plastic tarpaulin. It was designed to cover a Ford Ranger truck. My GF, fully aware of what it was, instantly threw at me and ordered me to lie it on the floor of the lounge, strip and lie on it, so they could piss on me rather than walking to the toilet... I laid on the tarpaulin that I had efficiently spread across the floor beneath their seats and led waiting. This was a first for me and a real sign of dominance. It felt like this could be the official signing of ownership papers of myself to my GF. The majority of me found the thought of receiving , stinking warm urine from another human being physically repulsive, but the Darkside of me, that plays devil's advocate daily was making me uncomfortably curious. The mental and moral conflict that occurs when being fo***d to do something by someone that you struggle to resist again, produces a cocktail of excitement mixed with euphoria. My basic impulsive instincts were telling me to source some more of the mindaltering supplements that are often slipped, unknowingly drinks in bars across Bangkok. The same mindaltering supplements that broke my initial barriers and put me in this 'Slave Like" situation I had found myself in.. In the end, Neither of the girls urinated on me. They were playing games, trying to gauge how far they could take it. They both headed for the door, and on departure announced that they knew I was looking forward to drinking their piss so I could wait for it. They were going out to meet some guys with fully operational giant penises to spite me. They ordered me to wait led in the plastic for their return... TBC
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À propos de

It was back in early 2015, about 3 weeks after my girlfriend and I impulsively tried experimenting with Female Domination after a night of hard partying in an underground club away in Bangkok Metropolis. I was walking back from the gym on this Saturday morning, reflecting on that extreme weekend, and subconsciously questioning my overwhelming desire to do it all again. Little did I know then, my life was about to take a dramatic and unexpected new path. We had finally left the hotel in downtown Sukhumvit. The rock and roll style weekend, as they often did (do) had typically rolled over into the following Monday morning, and required quick thinking (lies) to get into work late, unquestioned, and without any major issues. A lot to deliver whilst looking like a cross between Paul Gascoine, George Best, and Deigo Maradona. We had been experimenting... Experimenting scenarios with my GF taking a dominant role sexually. We tried, tested, and persevered with this at our hotel for around 30 hours s

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