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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI am looking to explore new things with STRAIGHT MEN ONLY!!! If you have ever had or want to have sex with a man please don't message me. couples, no Bi-men, no females, no married men, etc. I love a stocky guy, but I am not attracted to a really big guy, a "beer belly" is attractive. I consider myself a little kinkier than most, but certainly not as kinky as most of you on here. I am not into pain & I don't think I would make a very good sub. I have never tried any of it. I lOVE TO HEAR A GUY MOAN, BREATH HEAVILY, LIGHT DIRTY TALK BUT NEVER DEGRADING. I would love to try being tied up & fucked the out of. The thought of being restrained to a shekel is interesting. I would also love to try being teased while tied up & blindfolded. I am 46 years old and bbw. I am into younger guys. I am not into women at all. I did try that once & pussy is not for me. I want to feel like I am the most important person in your life (even if it isn't true). I just really want to fuck & play. Try new things & not g
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