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Contenu exclusif disponible, ne figurant pas sur Pornhub.com. Très abordable à seulement $9.99/mois.
Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumGiving back to Butcrush. bumcrusher705@gmail.com for videos and requests. I've enjoyed Butcrush/Buttcrush/Sitcrush since I was about 14, and for the past several years I have collected many videos, and seen virtually all the butcrush videos out there. I am now producing my own videos with girls that agree to star in the videos. Unfortunately this costs. I have to pay the star of the video, my travel costs, and the cost of the items crushed. To make it more financially feasible I have to charge for some of the videos produced. I still expect to make a loss, but I don't mind this as it is my hobby, however, the loss will be less than if I gave them all away for free. Feel free to send me requests, although I will probably need financial help to pay the girl to do it. bumcrusher705@gmail.com
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