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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI have a hot wife fetish. I have Gotten her a T-shirt that says hot wife on it. She has fake boobs so her nipples are always hard as a rock you could cut glass with them.We go into a bar and she flirts w/other men. We like to select one or two go home and have fun. I like to hear her details about her dates that she goes on. I told her to invite one of my black friends over. She can tell me about how fun they have while we get naked in bed whenever I get home. One time I came home from work early and he was in the bedroom with her. I walked in on them and joined in. We were having fun and he bent her over and was taking her from behind. She started screaming take it out I can’t do it! He looked at me and I told him to go all the way. Her toes started curling & she was turning sideways. When we were done she asked when we could do it again
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