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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumNew to this site, but have been a part of fetish communities for a while. All content posted of others/myself is with explicit consent in a safe environment. I am absolutely dominant, and fetish friendly. I love pantyhose, leggings, and latex. I enjoy binding partners in various ways before I pleasure /use them, I am open to other bondage related requests. I have an animalistic lust for hucow/ milking, especially binding the cow first. I am into the reverse as well, but I am very selective of whom I let milk me. I also have a passion for giving massages (particularly feet and shoulders), it is one of my favorite forms of foreplay. I am down to get creative with role play/ narrative too (English major in lol). I am always up for something new. I prefer to keep this profile private, however, feel free to inquire. Verified users only.
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