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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumIt's all personal "this" time around! "this" is an IOU owed to myself. "this" has been a declared, designated, & recognized as "zero tolerance". NO FUBAR** expected,or accepted. YEAH BABY! Many a times, have I, been to the to MOUNTAIN-TOP & seen the other side. Every action does have an equally opposite reaction. Can't sexactly describe "this", but I know "this" when I see "this". So take time. NO! "you make it So, #1!" "smell the roses" WARNING-DO NOT take "this" for granted. No doubts here E=Mc2 (ummn-humpf) steer clear of THE ice-bergs & landmines lurking in wait just to convey "this" to an intersection, aN event-horizo. So embrace the nexus of destiny, I promise it will make you proud. I feel we "can" & "do" influence factors seemingly far beyond our control. Save "the" opportunity missed. "this" intersection of space & time comes around unknown number of times{ X + X=X }some are blessed in per-pe-tu-tity, others well, let's uh. . er. .ahh. . huumn let's say aren't!! NO. . NICHT. .NAH-DAH. .NEIN. . N
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