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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHi I’m 30 male married and love watching my wife with other men. I caught her and my brother a few times once after a shower and heard my door bedroom open and close fast and I walked out quickly to find he bent over with her panties pulled to the side and cum dripping out of her wet pussy. I knew my brother had just left our room as he was the only one at our house. It was hot. Another time I woke up in the middle of the night to catch them on the couch in the living room she had her mouth full of his cock. It was hot so I didn’t go out and interrupt I just watched from the door after she sucked him for awhile he fucked her on my chair and came in her and she came back to bed full it was so hot. And iv caught them a couple more times I won’t go into detail anymore message me if interested in knowing more
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