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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm nowhere near a super model so if you like them skinny and petite you can move right along I'm curvy and have meat to hold onto. Don't worry you won't offend me if I'm not your type. I think very highly of myself other than some self confidence issues with my body I'm working on. I'm independent and don't need a man to take care of me well unless it's in the bedroom. I have a great personality and will make you laugh guaranteed. I can be an obnoxious inappropriate smartass so read between the lines and don't take offence to my sarcasm. I don't take bullshit or deal with drama I live a pretty tranquil life and I'd like it to stay that way. I'm not on here looking for my dream husband I just want to have fun. If we click then so be it if we don't then welp I possibly made a new friend and no feeling are hurt. I have recently became more in touch with my sexuality. I'm a grown ass woman that knows what she wants and how she wants it without beating around the bush.
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