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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI’m married now for to an amazing woman who is also an amazing slut. Long ago I realized that if I wanted to keep her I’d have to share her pussy with other guys. It took some getting used to but for the past I can’t get enough of my wife sucking other men’s cocks, and my wife getting her beautiful pussy fucked hard and deep by all the men I can possibly ask her to fuck. She has never to any guy’s craziest sexual request and there have been occasions when the guy she’s about to fuck had a huge cock that she wasn’t sure would fit, but each time I told her u got this babe, u can take this cock and she took it like a champ. If I had it my way, she’d be sucking, fucking up her ass, pounding her pussy, dping a bunch of dudes and getting gang banged everyday. As it is now she probably only fucks one new guy a week and I usually don’t stay to watch anymore because I find that guys hold back when I’m watching and my wife is truly a whore and needs cock. So I want her to have COCKS!!
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