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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumJust an average guy with a few dirty fetishes. First off, women are pure beauty. Everything about them is wonderful. Beautiful curves, soft skin, delicate features, just beautiful. I have always been fascinated with watching women pee, I don't exactly know why but it's sexy as hell. I like bigger girls, hairy girls, tall girls, girls of all sorts, really. I'm also very attracted to women's feet. There's just something so sexy about their feet. I think it might stem from the fact that most of us are on our feet all day so by the end of the day the body part that has sustained the brunt of the workload is our feet, and I subconsciously feel that their feet go unappreciated. My biggest fetish has to be dirty panties. Something so pretty like a girl's pussy that can make a pair of her panties such a beautiful mess, MMM...The smell is incredible, which ties right in with my hairy pussy fetish. The hair traps so much of that beautiful, delicious scent, it's like heaven to go down on a beautiful hairy pussy.
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