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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHey! I'm a dumb little slut and I love nothing more than being used and humiliated by narcisstic, sexist, arrogant and mean Guys! I love to serve, not only sexually but in general. I believe that women are inferior and should serve men in every way, as they're superior. There is just something so sexy and arousing about a man glaring at me and saying "Go make me a sandwich, dumb whore!" I absolutely love stroking a man's ego, while he treats me like trash and laughs at me. I don't need nice words or compliments ;) I rather need insulting words and being called names! Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings - I even like them to be hurt ;) If you want to be towards german, then you can freely express this with me! I love being compared to other sluts, preferably to hotter and better sluts of course, makes me feel really inferior ♥
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