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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI used to think that i had a teen fetish... that morphed to sort of , with a weird psychological component. And then I realized -like most perverts- that i wasn't alone, and that my weird fetish had a name: Corruption. I get off on spoiling and defiling girls' minds by inserting new, perverse ideas in them. If i can also insert my penis on every orifice in their sweet tight bodies, then all the more joy. By the time I'm filling their eager mouths with my pervert cum, I've already convinced them to act on their desires and to use their bodies for fun and profit. I don't practice mind control. I just have a knack for finding what is already there, I connect girls with their inner whore, perhaps introduce them to a new genre of porn, show them why´some people seem to like certain stuff, convince them to try new stuff, and then suddenly one day, they come up with new perversions of their own, Then i know my job is done.
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