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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumBorn in Austin Texas, honey blonde Echo was raised in Ecuador and later in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a former Miss Santa Fe, Miss Johnson was no stranger to the world of modeling, and though she was only turning nineteen at the time, she handled her turn as Miss January 1993 like a seasoned pro.''Believe it or not, I can be moody, impatient and even a little bitchy,'' she proclaims.''People keep asking me why I don't go to Hollywood, but the starlet route has never appealed to me. I want more control over my life than that.'' Back in Austin, the locals snapped up copies of Echo's issue, even while those in Santa Fe decried it as filth. ''I didn't let it get to me,'' says Echo with a shrug,of what she describes as ''drop-dead looks'' from potentially jealous women. Echo Leta Johnson's Awards: Playmate of the Month, January 1993. Echo Leta Johnson's Statistics: Bust: 36B, Waist: 23:00, Hips: 33:00, Height: 67:00. Weight: 110, Birth Date: January 11, 1974, Birth Place: Austin Texas, USA.
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