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Finally managed to get one of my videos up on FA

I'll be getting the others up throughout the day, for now here's the link 
  • 6
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "4 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
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Still working on the verification

Contacted customer support. The suggestion the guy gave didn't help but at least it's something.
  • 6
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ugh fucking fuck

been trying to do the verification thing. Pornhub won't let me upload an avatar to get verified and it's starting to tick me off how annoying this all is
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Yeah, it's looking like pornhub is gonna go the way of tumblr and many other sites. When you cripple the ability for "in the wild"/random posts/uploads to be made....you take away the surprise and charm.
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Sounds like that'll take awhile, good luck man.
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
fuck it, just gonna try to remake them and repost them to fa.
  • 3
s'est abonné/-e à 1 utilisateurs
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Well this is fucked

All my videos got deleted. Whatever, I'll post what I can to my furaffinity of the same name when I can. Probably not gonna be able to get those old vids back though, sorry folks. :/
For anyone interested my furaffinity username is the same as my pornhub
  • 5
il y a 4 ans
You have to be verified to post videos now. All non-verified people have had their videos removed as well. Almost 80% of pornhub was purged.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
just watched you, looking forward to seeing your works again, as well as any future stuff you may make!
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
can't seem to find you on FA...
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
What happened? Hopefully some people might have your videos downloaded somewhere so they aren't lost forever.
  • 1
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Hello again

Just can't seem to stay out of this business. Maybe all I needed was a break. But I'm back now. I probably won't be able to do any actual edits until a couple weeks from now because my computer is in the repair shop, so that's that. Maybe I can get one out around Christmas. I can answer any questions though, so if you have any, just DM me.
  • 10
il y a 4 ans
whatever you need, we'll be here bro xd
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
All I know it is great to have you back and im used to waiting so no probs here. 🙂
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
I am very , may as well just get used to that.
  • 1
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Hey everyone.I have a big announcement to make on my profile, so get ready, because I'm serious this time... I'm quitting, all porn as a matter of fact, in order to focus more on my more ambitious and personal projects. In all honesty, porn doesn't even make me feel good anymore, I just kinda feel numb to it at this point, and I don't want things to get worse. This has nothing to do with the audience. In fact, the audience I've had was one of the most caring, supportive and patient audiences I've ever held, and it hurts to see it go, but I feel I have to do this. Maybe someone will carry the torch of doing those edits, but I'm moving on now. I'll possibly see you all sometime in the future, but if not. Goodbye. It's been a fun ride, I've been lucky to have you, and I hope you'll all do well and take care of yourselves. Cya.
  • 13
il y a 4 ans
You should make one last edit before you leave..
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
best of luck mate, see ya
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il y a 4 ans
Sad to hear this. Loved what you brought to the stuff with your sound edits. Real life takes precedence, though.
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
Appreciate the stuff you did for edits. Good luck on your future endeavors.
  • 0
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New video

Sound edit of dfb's Hoard Expansion is up
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Xilimyth Awakening

Xilimyth Awakening with sound is uploading. It should be live in a few minutes, two down and one to go
  • 4
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Xythan Growth is out, cockvore warning, so if you're not into that, don't watch it. 
  • 3
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Last Announcement About the Edits (IMPORTANT)

I'm really sorry it turned out like this, and I'm really sorry for the people who's suggestions I never got to, but I don't know if I can do these edits anymore. I have three more videos I wanted to get through before stopping, Xythan Growth, Xilimyth Awakening and Hoard Expansion. All three videos I personally like by him. It's just that the pressure of the requests on top of my personal life has gotten to me, and it wouldn't be so bad if I were actually doing original work, stuff I have been meaning to do, (not all necessarily porn) but this whole edit thing just makes it a bit difficult to tackle those goals.
 Sound edits don't make me feel good anymore, to be honest. I don't know if I really like it all that much now. I hope you all can understand my resolve here. Maybe a couple of videos spaced out here and there in the future but I won't be taking requests anymore. I'm really sorry, goodnight everyone, see you over the next few videos. (I'll hopefully be back with original content some time after my last post. Hope you'll like it.)
  • 22
il y a 4 ans
Ok, so regarding this post, I've decided not to go on hiatus. Idk what I was going through at the time but I'm over it now, and ready to do more edits.
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
You take care of yourself man!
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
do what makes you happy!
  • 0
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Hello again

New Training Regimen by Digitalfurbelow is uploading at the time of posting this. Should be up and ready for viewing in a few minutes
  • 7
À propos de

I make sound edits of growth videos. Mostly digitalfurbelows at the moment

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