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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a straight male that also *enjoys cock? No, really. I believe it's more common than what's shared/accepted in day to day life. But yea, somehow without being attracted to ANY other attributes of my same sex, I very much DO like penises. I like the way they look (this is also contingent on the area being clean shaved) but the smooth, hard, thick appearance they have makes them look appetizing to me. I also, importantly, enjoy how they taste, feel, and even the scent they often have (I get really aroused making out the with woman who just gave me head because I typically get that ever so slight taste of a cock on her lips. I don't like anything else though with men, like really.. I get sick and start to contort at the thought of kissing the same sex, yet, I have and will give a blowjob and be horny af about it. Another example is how I never want the man to return the favor, as I won't/don't find THEM attractive. I only ever want to see my/a cock in a hotties mouth (even though I enjoy putting one in min
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