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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumAh man buckle up this is gonna be long. I guess what you need to know about me is that I'm from a traditional family and recently I turned 18 and wanted to explore my sexual side more. Ive always been very out going and confident but I guess since I'm from a conservative family I'm very shy about sex. So I just don't know how to be open about it and now that I'm an adult I want to explore that kind of stuff and try to break out of my shyness and really be happy with myself. I want to make it clear I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANYTHING ON HERE. I have to make that clear cause I don't plan on meeting ANYONE from here and I have plenty of money so I don't want that from you or anything. I'm just here for me. If you want to message me that's cool and all but try to say something worth reading. Don't ask me the say stuff all day. Just tell me about music you like or hobbies or politics or anything you really feel strongly about. Idc if I agree or not I want to hear new stuff.
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