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Wampum, United States
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Hey ya'll, unfortunately my laptop broke and I won't be able to be online much if at all and I can't upload pics. I'm searching for a new one but it could be a while. Kisses, you guys  😘
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Since I Refuse to Show My Face Or Say Who I Am, Here's Some Info About Me Instead

The Two Names I go By Here and Why:
- Vereni: Vereni Cordelia is the first D&D character I ever made, so she is very special to me. She is a woman with a kind heart and courageous/brave spirit who struggles with PTSD and depression.
- Moonie: This is the shortened version of my Discord username, MoonlitInsanity. I chose that username because it represents a certain side of me. While I love the sun (born in Florida) and the warmth, I am a Scorpio (connected to water) and the moon allures me. The beauty, magic, and mystery of the moon is part of my spirit. The insanity part, well that's not too hard to figure out. I chose it because it's representative of the fact that I have more than five 'mental disorders' (props to anyone who can figure them out haha). I am not ashamed of who I am and am proud to have a bit of a wild side.
My Physical Appearance and Genetics:
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: To the shoulder
Eye Color: Deep green, changes colors, I will post a few closeup pics of my eyes, apparently they are very attractive (lol)
Eye Shape: Almond/oval
Face Shape: Oval
Jaw Type: Soft yet angular
Skin Tone: Medium Fair
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 185 lbs (working on losing weight)
Body Type: Thicc and curvy
Shoe Size: 9 (apparently that's important?)
Lip Shape: Cupid's bow
Identifying Marks: Scar on right eyebrow
Breast Size: 36DD
Voice Type: Low for a girl and smooth, raspy when tired or extremely calm
Heritage: 28% Irish, 26% Western European, I can't remember the other 54%
My Personality, Things I Like, Etc.
Favorite Color: Azure blue
Favorite Food: Mint chocolate chip ice cream 😜
Favorite Animal: Tigers (cats in general lol)!
Favorite Fantasy Animal: PHOENIXES.
Lucky Number: 4
Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon and evening
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Natural Location: The beach [3
Favorite Indoor Location (s): My bedroom (warm and cozy), libraries, the couch, work
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Element: Water
Birthstone: Topaz
High school graduation year: 2020 -_-
Skills and talents: Cooking, dishes, baking (usually from a box but whatever), sewing, massaging, brushing hair, writing, singing, coming up with random songs, archery, roleplaying, acting, drawing, reading people's emotions and personalities, finding patterns and flaws in patterns, logic and problem solving (I'm tested gifted with an intelligence quotient of 137), puzzles, UNO, Egyptian Rat Slap (card game), customer service, emo fashion sense (lol), artistic, organizing things, reading (very fast reader, read the entire HP series in a month), witty humor (especially sarcasm), dark humor, random bits of knowledge, assemble furniture (bite me, )
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Hey everyone, sadly for today I am not really available for RP sessions because I work 11:30 am to 5 pm EST. I'm more than happy to take people tomorrow!
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In Case Anyone's Wondering

I will post pics of my pussy, I just wanna get it waxed first which may not happen for a while 😥
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About My Roleplay Sessions

I know roleplay sessions are probably not something you see very often here, so let me explain them! They can last 3060 minutes PER session, not overall! I love RPing with people, I hate limiting time 🙂  The images of characters I post are the characters I play as, I'm always thinking of new characters as well as looking through old ones. The avatar creator I use does NOT belong to me, all credit for it goes to RinmaruGames, go check them out! You are welcome to request a custom character, I don't mind at all! (details at end of post for requesting custom characters)  I do this for free! (for now, I believe, it may be a month or so before I set up a way to make money from it)  Typically the RP involves taking turns, but it is more so actions based on what the other person does. To put it simply, my character could say hello and yours could say hi back 🙂  This roleplay, but I can always try realistic RP with you if you'd like I am sadly not available on weekends. I am typically available from 9 am to 3 pm EST on weekdays. I do have some rules, they are quite reasonable. 1. Please do not be disrespectful unless it is relevant in the roleplay. 2. Everyone has boundaries, if I feel uncomfortable I will let you know and I encourage you to do the same. 3. You should usually have a character for yourself ready, if you need help I can choose from some characters I have made and you may use them. Please don't use them with other people first 🙂 4. These are private sessions, they are not meant to be shared with other people. That's pretty much it for the rules, now onto the requirements for requesting a character! This is really just a list of things I need to know about the character. Name Age (NO. MI***S. AT. ALL.) Race (demon, werewolf, dragon, etc) Height and weight Eye color Hair color Skintone Voice type Body type Identifying markings, like tattoos and scars Class (paladin, rogue, wizard, etc) Any other additional info you think is needed I look forward to roleplaying with you, don't be shy, shoot me a message! See you later!  ❤️
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I fucking hate colds, man. I keep sniffling.
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il y a 4 ans
Colds suck ass which is what ima do to u
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Might as well post fanfics here lol right pls don't steal my work the ocs are my own property this i

The raven-haired man watched the y/h/c female with a glint in his eyes. He was Loki, the God of Mischief, and she was y/n, Princess of Zahvinira and daughter of the Light and Life Goddess Skeva Eynhilde. They had been in a relationship for already, and tonight, during this Avengers party, he watched as the love of his life danced with her siblings. Kuleke, her brother, was an adequate dancer. Her older sister, Ahvie, however, was far more than exceptional. The two sisters moved with grace on the dance floor while Loki simply watched from the bar. Thor, Loki's adoptive brother, the God of Thunder, sat down next to him. "Watching her again, brother?"
"That is none of your concern. She is my girlfriend, I may watch her dance if I wish." He was still mesmerized by the beautiful demigoddess.
Thor ran a hand through his blonde hair. "She's a tough one."
Loki ignored his brother and stood up from his seat, making his way over to y/n, who stopped dancing for a moment, looking at him with those gorgeous y/e/c eyes. "Hi, Loki. Come to dance with us?"
"I came to dance with  you  ." He extended his hand to her, which she took, and pulled her closer, surprising the Eynhilde-Stormbrook siblings with his incredible talent for dancing. He lowered his lips to her ear, speaking so only she could hear him. "My beautiful goddess, you entice me. The way your body moves as you dance is irresistible." He nipped her ear softly.
y/n's face turned red. "L-Loki-"
"Quiet, my dear." With that, y/y closed her mouth, feeling her heart beat faster. "My sweet y/n... the things you do to me..." he grinned. "And the things I could do to you."
His hands dipped to her waist, pulling her against his body. "Please, Loki... what is the meaning of this?" y/n felt her body temperature rising. Of course, she knew the answer, and Loki was being a little about it.
Loki's eyes flashed dangerously. "Whatever do you mean?” He leaned closer, touching his lips to her neck.
y/n's eyelids fluttered as her breathing hitched due to the sudden contact. “Loki… don’t… ” Her voice went low as heat flooded her body. “Not here…”
“I  want  you, y/n,” he growled, pulling her off of the dance floor. Nobody took notice of their departure, not even the extremely observant Ahvie, who had left to sit and drink with Bucky, her own boyfriend. Loki immediately pinned y/n to the wall once they entered the elevator, kissing her fiercely as desire overtook the two of them. He often felt wicked for his relationship with her, as she was about a thousand years younger and far more innocent. He remembered the time her brother tried to him after discovering that their relationship was  far  more intimate than it had seemed. The elevator stopped moving, and he led the y/e/c-eyed woman to his room. The door opened, then was quickly shut for privacy. However, in the throes of passion, they forgot to lock the damn thing.
y/n found that it might be fun to try and dominate him, so she pushed against him and took control, holding Loki’s arms at his sides as she kissed his neck. She slid her hands over his shoulders, nipping his jugular gently. With a growl, Loki spun her around and pinned her, strong hands holding her wrists against the wall as he kissed her. “I guess you’re still dominant,” she whispered, breathless.
“As if you  mind  , love.”
She didn’t mind at all, and she  especially  didn’t mind when the God of Mischief bit her skin where her neck met her shoulder, causing her to gasp in pleasure. “Loki…  more… 
“As you wish, my love.” He removed his hands from her wrists and began pulling down the zipper on the back of her traditional Zahvinirian dress, slipping it over her shoulders and allowing her to step out of it. Her body still hid, her legs covered by leggings while her chest was enclosed by a royal blue bra. He reached behind her, unclasping the blue article before pulling it off. He licked his lips, then dipped his head to her breasts, sucking and biting either one. y/n's back arched as the heated wave of desire fully consumed them, her breathing quickly becoming labored. She felt the warmth spreading between her legs, becoming more and more aroused by the second.
“  Dammit  , Loki, take your shirt off already.”
The lust in her eyes excited him, and he shrugged off his coat before unbuttoning his black dress shirt and removing it as well. y/n traced his muscular chest, yet again in awe at the beauty of his pale skin. She placed kisses all over his chest, making him pant as he groaned slightly. He suddenly picked her up, carrying her to the bed. With a snap of his fingers, she felt herself restrained by Loki’s magic with her hands pinned above her head. She growled, attempting to twist out of her restraints. “It’s no use, my love. You know how powerful my magic is.” Loki kissed her, then kissed a trail down to her belly before sliding her leggings off of her strong legs. He slipped a hand down past her underwear, fingering her clit as he kissed her. He swallowed every noise she made, every moan, every gasp, continuing to pleasure the princess as she writhed beneath him.
“Just take them  off  , Loki!” y/n snarled, lust causing her pupils to be blown wide.
Loki removed her underwear, pushing himself back before flattening her legs to either side. He lowered his head, kissing her inner thighs and then proceeding to kiss her sex. She cried out in pleasure when he shoved his tongue inside of her, lapping at her delicious body while fucking her with his mouth. He released her from his magic, allowing her to run her fingers through his soft hair, tugging gently every so often to elicit a small groan from the Trickster. Loki eventually pulled back, running his palm up y/n's belly to her face, where it cupped her cheek. “Are you ready, my sweet y/n?” The princess only nodded in response, knowing full well what was about to happen. Loki gazed deep into her eyes. “Safe or unsafe?”
“I found a spell. So… unsafe.” y/n blushed, knowing that she had essentially told Loki she had discovered magic birth control.
Loki gave a sharp laugh, then momentarily prepped her with his fingers. He soon removed them and removed the rest of his clothing. y/n took in the amazing sight of his body, his hardened cock, as usual, an impressive size; a size worthy of a god. He gave himself a couple of quick strokes before lining himself up with y/n's entrance. He slid in, bottomed out, and smirked at his beautiful girlfriend, naked and aroused just for him. And only for him. He began thrusting in and out, filling her completely each time. y/n let out a loud moan, raking her nails down his back. He grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his waist, thrusting deeper into his beloved as they moaned each others names. The bed slammed against the wall a few times before Loki used his magic to pull it back a bit farther. 
“Loki,  please  , faster!” y/n begged, knowing she was at his mercy.
Loki complied, picking up the pace. The sound of moans, flesh hitting flesh, and the smell of sex and sweat filled the room, arousing the couple even further. y/n flipped Loki so that she was on top of him, riding him as he thrust his hips upwards.
“Harder, Loki, you won’t break me.”
“As you wish, my love,” Loki growled, thrusting harder and faster, making the demigoddess above him moan in pleasure.
“Ah, Loki!” She cried out. “  Fucking hell, Loki! 
“You are so beautiful, my love. Trapped here beneath me, surrendering yourself to me, with your goddess body touching mine.” He wasn’t just praising her, he was practically  worshipping   y/n. 
y/n said nothing. Instead, she kissed him, feeling the heat pooling in her belly. “  Ah  , Loki! I-I’m going to-”
“Release yourself for me, darling,” Loki purred. y/n cried out in pleasure as she finally reached the edge, and Loki soon followed, roaring as he came. 
A few minutes later, the door swung open and Ahvie was greeted with the surprising sight of her younger sister naked under the covers beside an equally bare God of Mischief. “  What  . The  fuck  .”
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À propos de

Legit that nickname is one of my D&D characters. Pretty kinky & bisexual. Dom with girls sub with guys & I switch a bit. Obviously pretty into RP lol ~~~ I do roleplay sessions, I have a few characters ready that you can pick from to interact with, you can go ahead and check them out in one of my albums. If I'm not available for a time you want to rp, then I can make a note on my calendar for a private time for you. Most roleplay sessions last 30-60 minutes and after the first session it becomes a more regular sort of thing. If you'd like to request a custom character then please give me the details so I can use online avatar creators to design them. I do this stuff for free so please be polite. Also I NEVER show my face online... don't need any bullshit in my life, man XD Also also, don't mess with me. I'll deliver a verbal beatdown that will make you want to crawl back into your mother's womb :)

Dernière connexion:
il y a 4 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Ville de naissance:
"United States"
Fast Food Crew Member
Upper St. Clair High School
Intérêts et passe-temps:
D&D, writing, reading, drawing, photography (on occasion), movies, music
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
Anything Marvel/DC, Harry Potter, Maze Runner, Mortal Instruments, Lucifer, Supernatural,
Musique favorite:
Black Veil Brides (idfc if you don't like them lol), Panic! at the Disco, With Sirens, Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots, PelleK, First to Eleven, Bring Me The Horizon
Livres favoris:
Harry Potter, Maze Runner, Warrior Cats, Mortal Instruments, Hex Hall, Accidentally Demonic
Ce que j'aime:
Biting/nipping, hair pulling, light spanking, ear nibbling, body worshipping, bondage (love collars and being tied up lol), hickeys, intelligence (lol lame I know)
Ce que je déteste:
Being treated like an object (unless I ask for that), discrimination, bullying, 'dumb jock types'
Affichages de profil:
1 756
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