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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI am a Jazz musician in a small city, and I have a thing for small, thin, flat chested women. I am into girls who are otherwise, but my favorite to watch and fuck are small framed in some sort of way. I have recently started making porn music videos, but I am no expert. The first video I made seemed to not be as good as I thought it was: I've always thought porn along to heavy metal is hot, but I realize it's not what people wanna hear when they are watching porn. So now I'm sticking to more hip hop and pop stuff that I like. I' m going to continue and make videos and hopefully improve. I will feature the girls I find the hottest, and think are the most underrated in the porn world, because they have small tits and butts, but I know I cant be the only guy who likes women like that. I will also make videos of big tits and butts too, I'm still into that. I would appreciate constructive criticism on my videos. If it's just talking trash or insulting my tastes, I'm just gonna remove the comment.
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