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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumIm Heather I'm 21 and before i go any further with this im a horrible speller and have bad grammer i know... I love my life i love my friends i love me. I'd to anything for animals especially my own.im a fun person to be around and can always put a smile on someones face. Im a huge party person im always up for anything. You have probably seen me out and about..i was probably wasted. i had anything but a normal but it made me a stronger person. ive been through alot in my life but you will probably never hear me complain about that. i dropped out of highschool not because im stupid(trust me im far from it) but because at the time i was making bad choices and thought it would be a better idea to just drink all day and never show up. Stop making assumptions about me 9 times out of 10 you are wrong.Im not a whore im just confident about my body so i show it off BIG DEAL like you have never been out in a bathing suit? exactly. im not the same person i was when i was 16 so take all that bullshit out of your head.Im not full of myself and im not conceited. im tired of the "your not that great" messages. I NEVER SAID I WAS!.I do not have an eating disorder i eat ALOT and i keep it in my tummy than it out like everyone else. im thin because that's how i am, its just genes so stop telling me im responsible for your friend or siblings throwing up there dinner, that's there choice. Oh and don't thank me for the add because you're most likely the one who added me. :x
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