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This story turns me on: https://www.literotica.com/s/the-urologists-female-assistant
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This video is in the Big Dick category. I don't think that it belongs there, does it?
Video poster Beautiful fellation avec un gros creampie oral
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They come in quite small sizes, too!
Video poster Il veut m'empêcher de lui sucer la bite 😚😚
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I've been trying to convince my husband to get snipped. I want to show him videos like this one afterwards and watch him get jealous because he knows what he's missing! 😈
Video poster Gros plan : la meilleure bouche Baveuse vous a fait jouir deux fois ! Sensuel FORESKIN Pipe ! Sucer une bite non coupée ! ASMR
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "1 year old account "
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Small and circumcised. One day my husband will look like this! 😈
Video poster Strawberry Nat sucer Thick bite Ginger (Explose dans ma gorge)
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il y a 2 mois
Perfect - I hope you get him clipped soon!!
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Small cocks deserve a massage, too! I added this to my Cute Little Cocks playlist.
Video poster Quand a été la dernière fois que ta femme ou ta copine t’a massé le pénis ?
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Looks like a freshly circumcised small cock. This is what I hope my husband will look like after he submits to the scalpel. 😈
Video poster Fermer pipe avec sperme sur la langue
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il y a 4 mois
Would ur husband be down?
  • 1
il y a 4 mois
Another boy has become a man.
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il y a 4 mois
that head does look a lot more similar to an exposed uncut head than it does to another circumcised head. looks like the head may still be acclimating to being exposed. does your husband have a similarly shaped/sized head?
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Junior"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Sophomore"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Freshman"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Virgin"
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I'd love to suck such a large uncut black cock in front of my husband, but wouldn't he feel so inferior? And wouldn't that make it much sexier? 😈
Video poster Clara Mia se fait prendre devant son mari
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I love it how she keeps her husband behind glass so that he can see but can't join in! 😈
Video poster Le mari aime voir sa femme se faire pénétrer par un autre homme
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Imagine circumcising your own husband! 😈
Video poster Jeu de rôle de circoncision prépuce d’infirmière (temps de traite)
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il y a 4 mois
If I knew how easy it can be to circumcision a man, I might have tried to circumcise my husband myself. He still has a lot of his frenulum left, so maybe I'll settle for removing that myself someday. 😈
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a ajouté 76 nouvelle(s) vidéo(s) sur une liste de lecture
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This guy has way too much foreskin! He's obviously enjoying this way too much. She needs to have him circumcised low and very tight. She totally should have the urologist take his frenulum too... 😈
Video poster GROS PLAN : Jouer avec le prépuce
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il y a 4 mois
Can't wait until my circumcision! It's going to be a low and tight cut, and as I've already had my frenulum removed (long story: botched circumcision years ago where the surgeon got his wires crossed) it's going to be quite the experience!
  • 1
il y a 4 mois
Im surprised he was able to last for more than a couple minutes, let alone 15, considering how much foreskin he has. If he can make it through 15min of his foreskin being played with without exploding, imagine how long he could go with the skin and frenulum clipped back.
  • 2
il y a 4 mois
This is why in the Philippines we circumcise all of our young males by the time they're masturbating. Spring is circumcision season. It's when Filipino males turn into men. I could never get use to my Caucasian husband's foreskin so I had him circumcised.
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Sucking such a small cock is so easy...
Video poster Elle suce sa bite inexpérimentée en gros plan 4K
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Two Thumbs Up"
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