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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Archduke"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "4 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
  • 2
s'est abonné/-e à 2 utilisateurs
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I'm Not Dead! (But No New Videos Yet)

Just making another little update to say that I'm very sorry for all of the delays and lack of communication. I've been holding off on this because I've been busy with work and hobbies that are frankly more important to me, plus I've been undecided on what I should do next with this video series. Right now my current plan is to completely restart the Academy sometime in the next month, now using a program called FlipFlip that will make it easier and faster to create image trances. Most of the videos will be shorter, faster to make, and be more attuned to daily rewatching. As always I can't promise anything but this is a more realistically achievable goal. Another thing I should mention that's partially why I've been unsure about the future of this series, is that some of you are taking this far too seriously which needs to stop. This series is intended to be a mix of real and roleplaying where you train yourself to be a better servant to the Academy. Getting entranced and having it change some of your sexual habits is okay, but if you are making real world lifestyle changes or altering part of your identity because of this series then you are crossing the line of what's acceptable. From now on I will be including warnings to prevent this from happening.
  • 207
il y a 4 ans
Hopefully someone can get in contact with the creator of HypnoAcademy (or they come back themselves) since this channel was decimated in the purge, sad that the videos have been lost for the meantime.
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
Facebook just decimated anyone that doesn't have a verified account.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Damn what happened? You get a weird email?
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
Is this done?
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
No rush but ur content is dope
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
So much for that. They said they couldn't promise anything, but still.
  • 12
il y a 4 ans
So happy you not dead 🙂
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Hey, do u know when we can expect a new upload?
  • 7
il y a 4 ans
Why are DL's disabled? I need my .... ;(
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Hi, can we expect a new video soon ? They are awesome btw, good job!
  • 7
il y a 4 ans
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Dear HypnoAcadamy.Thank you so much for your vids. Your creativity and deviance has added so much to my (and I dare say many others ) already dark sexual psyche a mechanism to use as a tool to delve into places within my mind that might have a lot to say about.If possible would you consider creating more personalised content?Of course noones time is free. Would you consider it?Perhaps you might be interested to see the affects and behaviour your vids results in and maybe creat
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Its been 3 weeks & now i am tired of watching old videos pls pls upload a new video
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Yes please! Your videos are amazing!
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Update: I've begun work on the series revival and it's coming along very nicely so far.
  • 35
il y a 4 ans
I can only really go along with the roleplay, I can't really throw myself into it. has never really worked for me, despite my willingness to try. Doesn't make your videos any less fun to watch though! : )
  • 6
il y a 4 ans
New slave here! I am very excited to see where this series goes, and what the next lesson will be, but I also realize that making these videos is hard. Don't push yourself too hard making the videos!
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
@tsunami555 My videos are high in production value and are somewhat influenced by Academy's style. Think a more relaxing and seductive version of Academy (catered to guys) 😉
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Apenas esperando por alguma atualização
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
Come on atlest set a longer deadline we all miss u ):
  • 6
il y a 4 ans
If this is dead has anyone found anything similar?
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
So not to be pushy but like any news
  • 7
il y a 4 ans
Hey man like your video but could you avoid being more then the video like changeing your name. Anything that goes outside the video it really off pointing and the reason you get people due what there doing. Really like your first video though hope you come back.
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
Also if you were to set up a patreon to keep this series going I and presumably the many others who enjoy your work would gladly subscribe.
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Hi if this series is dead that would suck, but if it is could you make an announcement so we can find something similar. (Not meant to be a dick)
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
i hope there's another lesson from you guys soon 😥
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
It's weird, for the last two weeks I've checked in every day. Can't wait to see your new work.
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Hey you're finally awake! Glad to see you back!!
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
@RainbowSparkle “watch what you wish for”. It feels wasteful to have so much success and talent, and have it go for naught.
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
I’m sorry, but isn’t habit altering the ultimate sign of success? Isn’t the fact you have thousands begging you for more content a good thing? You tell us to be mindless servants of the Academy, leave us hanging and then gripe when we complain? Yes, we apparently are taking this more seriously than you are. You need to decide whether your Academy is worth creating a devotion to it, and what you are going to do with this devotion. You have a big enough fan base that you could monetize t
  • 7
il y a 4 ans
Can't wait to see your next project!
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
I always took it as RP and it was fun! I'm happy to know you'll be back, can't wait to get back on training!I'm Hypnoslave250, my purpose is to obey!
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Now the long hiatus makes sense. Take as much time as you need! Your videos are honestly of good quality, and they're some good fun.But yeah, people. Don't make life changing decisions because of porn, it's just for fun. Please.Good luck with whatever, and to everyone reading this comment: hope you're doing well during quarantine.
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
One of the most difficult things in this kink is balancing the fantasy of being brainwashed with the reality of being a normal fucking person. The content of your videos is really well structured to keep people's attention and actually produce change. Maybe you could make a few videos with a less sexy counter-message to encourage independence and connection to reality?
  • 6
il y a 4 ans
Any piece of 'art' you put out there that is reasonably successful will be taken way too seriously by some. It is not something to fear. You feel compassion and care for your subjects. Every submissive's dream 🥰
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
I am ready to wait as much as you need. No one here wants to rush you. But such a long silence really confused me somewhat. I cant speak for the rest, but I was never going to change my lifestyle due to . Not because of your videos, not because of anyone else's. And of course, I'm glad that you did not abandon the project, because you are doing really very highquality work.
  • 1
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Mini Update

Hi everyone, sorry for the long hiatus! I'll try to have some new videos out in January but as always, I can't promise anything. It takes a lot of time to make each video reach the level of quality that I'm happy with and I usually set aside entire days to make them. So I haven't been getting many opportunities to make content but now that the holidays are over my schedule should start clearing up a little. Thank you for your patience.      
  • 227
il y a 4 ans
Heramosura ... U took the words right outta my mouth ! 🙂
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Pretty sure the channel is dead...
  • 25
il y a 4 ans
@Randomperson762 The videos wont show because of the free premium promo. You can only see them if you cancel the free premium. It has something to do with requirements from the credit card companies.
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
I can't seem to access any of your videos. There aren't any listed on your account and they won't show up through search. I can only find them through recently watched but when I click on the vid, it says it's an error. It's not a regional or account error because I've checked different countries with a VPN and tried while not being signed in. Do you know what has caused this, if so when will they be available again?
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
What to do while the whole world is on lockdown? Perhaps prepare some more HypnoAcademy lessons?
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
I am so looking forward to the next lesson!
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
soon hopefully?
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
When will the 4th video be out?
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
i have the corona i can't never see the fourth ep anymore
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
To everyone reading this comment: have a nice day, and good luck in whatever you want to do in life.
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Imagine having more of a life than us degenerates.Good luck with whatever real life endeavors you are currently facing, master
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
Shame it's almost certainly dead. Well, because of this series I found very interesting on Pornhub. :] thanks for that
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Shame things have essentially died. It was really starting to get good.
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
its been nearly 6 months since the last video, I doubt we're getting a new one. Time to find new pastures.
  • 6
il y a 5 ans
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
I am hypnoslave. my purpose is to obey.
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Do you have a release date for us to look forward to?
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
How are we getting along with mroe instructions master
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
I really don’t want to be pushy but when do you think we would be getting an update
  • 6
il y a 5 ans
I am hypnoslave. My purpose is to obey
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
What can your Hypnoslaves do to help you get the next episodes out faster? I am diligently watching your videos waiting for the next...
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
I'm a dom that is still learning and have been supplementing my sub with various files to find ones she's comfortable with and will help her open up more and more to . Do these files tie back to you or just submission and lust with ?
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Sometimes life gets in the way and that's okay! Take as much time as you need! 💕
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
I get that quality needs its time but how hard can it be to make a quick Update every now and then. Just a few words or lines would do. Are you working on it ? Are there complications? Do you want to continue your masterwork at all?
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Nah I’m bored of this now. Checking back is a waste of time!
  • 30
il y a 5 ans
We can all wait for as long as you want us to-HypnoSlave 42936
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
please master we need more!
  • 5
il y a 5 ans
Your content is so wholesome, take as much time as you need to provide the quality you aim (and already provided in the past) I'd wait for years hehe, thanks for your work
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
any slaves want to chat while we wait? dm me 😉
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
I am hypnoslave. My purpose is to obey!I set up this account just to subscribe to more instructions!I have been watching this latest one the first thing i do in bed in the morning, and the last time i do before bed. Sometimes i sneak a view in at lunch at work to!
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
Any news? No rush of course, just curious!! 💕
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
I will wait
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the time and care you put into these vids. I feel like some people are to thirsty to realize how much effort it takes to make these.
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
I'm so ready! I watch all three of the current episodes at least once a day, the academy lives inside me! 🥵💕
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Waiting for the Academy to gift us with a new video. It will be so sattisfying once it release, I can't wait.
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
I set up a Pornhub account just to post this message 🔮
  • 5
il y a 5 ans
I can barely contain my excitement! I honestly check this page multiple times a day 😩
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
So happy to hear! Excited to see more~
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Excited to hear. Thank you~!
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Géniale j’ai hâte à la suite
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Thank u!
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Happy to hear from you and looking forward to the video!
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Patreon is out of the question. I don't own the clips and images used in my videos (So I can't monetize it) and they prohibit content.
  • 7
il y a 5 ans
awesome!!! thank you hypnoacademy... if you ever feel discouraged you could open a patreon, cause idk about anybody else but i'd donate for content like this. 🙂
  • 1
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Sophomore"
  • 97
il y a 5 ans
I was really excited and looking forward to more videos. Unfortunately with the over the top wait times between videos that excitement is kind of dead. If there were at least some activity updates on how things are going it would be ok. But nothing, we get given nothing.
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
I could understand two months, but 3 months is getting a bit scary now. Any updates on the release date? I keep checking every time I masturbate but so far I've had no hopes. one to three were great and I can't wait for more, so please upload a 4th one soon!
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
I am excited to see where you take us next. Any chance you can give us an estimated time frame for our next assignment? We all check every day.
  • 4
il y a 5 ans
If you gave up on the project please let us know, I don't want to sit and wait idly for nothing.
  • 4
il y a 5 ans
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Hello The Academy. I am hypnoslave, my purpose is to obey. Thank you for showing me the truth.
  • 4
il y a 5 ans
obay XD
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Your videos made me experience something I never had before. I felt accepted, unabashedly embraced in my sexuality. It was all about me and generating pleasure for me. Thank you.
  • 8
il y a 5 ans
Can't wait for the next video, but last time it was so exciting to find the 3rd one so I'll wait happily the 4th one
  • 7
il y a 5 ans
any updates? starting to lose hope
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
What kind of fetish videos are you slaves looking forward to??
  • 9
il y a 5 ans
When is the next one comming out?
  • 10
il y a 5 ans
J’ai vraiment très hâte à la suite je regarde tous les jours
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
I legit check this everyday or so to see if the next one is available
  • 11
il y a 5 ans
I need more
  • 4
il y a 5 ans
Super eager for the next episode cant wait till it comes out but i shall be patient like a good slave
  • 6
il y a 5 ans
Cant wait for the next one
  • 16
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Philosopher"
  • 20
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Quick Update on Future Episodes

I know many of you are waiting for more videos and I hear your outcry. It's clear that I greatly overestimated how much time I'd have to make videos so I'm sorry this is taking so long. This series will definitely continue but I can't give you a definitive answer on when or how often I'll upload. For now, just know that I have started work on episode 3 and I'll try to have more communication with you in the future. 
  • 74
il y a 5 ans
I am slave! Created this account just to be closer to Academy! A colleague has a ringtone similar to the one in the latest video, and everytime I hear it I get horny open my mouth. Love the slut I'm turning into, and can wait for the next video!
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
Better to have the videos continue to be so superb, and have them take a while to come out. Dont feel like you have to rush!
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
dont rush yourself, take as long as you need
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
take as long as you need, the spiral and use of brainwashing makes me feel completely blank - Hypnoslave31
  • 7
il y a 5 ans
Update on part 4 / fetish side videos? 🙂
  • 8
il y a 5 ans
you take as much time to make your videos as possible, mate. The quality and content is very much worth it
  • 6
il y a 5 ans
UPDATE: Episode 3 is nearing completion and should come out fairly soon!
  • 16
il y a 5 ans
Take your time. Move at your own pace and be comfortable with it. Don't turn it into something you resent.
  • 7
il y a 5 ans
Glad to hear from you, I was losing hope but am ok now that I know there is something to wait for! We all appreciate and love your hard work and look forward to what you’ll throw at ys next.
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
Gather your own music, video clips, and images. Surely you now have thousands who would beg to be a part of your work...
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
@feed4rz I don't have the rights to the images, videos, and music used in my videos so I cannot monetize them.
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
I love your vids, I always feel so relaxed and I can't wait for the next one. Take your time so that it can be as good as it can be. I can't wait to obey you again
  • 2
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Prince"
  • 7
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Prophet"
  • 73
il y a 5 ans
I would gladly support new content on Patreon or by paid content if it meant continuing this series
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
New episode?
  • 18
il y a 5 ans
Please at the least let us know if you’re done making them or not
  • 20
il y a 5 ans
Please give us next episode
  • 8
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Duke"
  • 27
s'est abonné/-e à 1 utilisateurs
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Freshman"
  • 19
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Launching your Brand"
  • 13
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Porn Buff "
  • 15
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Free will is an illusion; Desire decides your future.

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