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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "8 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "7 year old account"
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MEGA Drive Update

So I finally got around to uploading a few of my old videos onto the Mega drive I made years back for what its worth haha.

Mega Drive:  https://mega.nz/folder/5jBEiZbT#M2j3GT0T5SjvrBmLq5a8lg 

Added videos: 
Girls Und Panzer - Darjeeling 
Date a Live - Origami   
I'll get around to uploading the rest eventually. (Years later no doubt when I next remember
  • 8
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
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Videos down

If anyone is curious a few of my videos have been taken down so you wont be able to see them anymore.
Girls Und Panzer - Miho
Saki - Usuzumi Hatsumi
The Devil is a Part-Timer - Chiho & Emi
  • 7
il y a 1 an
I loved the darjeeling joi, so sad it's gone
  • 0
il y a 3 ans
It was by far my favourite video on the whole internet, but I lost it. I would love to see it again and save it, maybe even other legendary videos of yours, please help me.
  • 2
il y a 3 ans
Is there a way to watch the Joi with origami tobiichi from "date a live"? It was my favourite Joi
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
Ive uploaded a few to this Mega folder but they arent all in there. A lot of my videos are in editing files and not mp4s so I'll add them if I either find the mp4s or convert them later on.https://mega.nz/folder/5jBEiZbT#M2j3GT0T5SjvrBmLq5a8lg
  • 5
il y a 4 ans
do you take requests
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
  • 6
il y a 4 ans
Can you make saori from girls und panzer content
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My JOI making will be slowed down for a while because I'm working on other things at the moment.
  • 20
il y a 4 ans
Can you make saori takebe from girls und panzer shes with Oaria girls on the anglerfish team
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Junior"
  • 1
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JOI preference

I want to ask the question: Which do people prefer:
JOIs with Audio
JOIs without audio ?
[Edit] Specifically beats.
I've been debating as to whether I'll just keep making JOIs with Audio and occasional do a non-audio one or make it more 50/50.                                                
If I don't get an answer I'll just do whatever.                                                
  • 14
il y a 5 ans
Ok I'll try and make my next JOI so you wont need to rely on the beat to enjoy it so people who don't want it can simply mute it.
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
with beat is better, and people who don't like it can just mute it
  • 4
il y a 5 ans
rather have a beat. people who dont like it can also just mute
  • 3
il y a 5 ans
I'm not a fan of music I find that it can ruin the mood or just be distracting. I like the beats though as it gives you better control. Just using "slow-medium-fast" is rather vague.
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
Oh sorry I should have specified the audio part. I meant audio like beats.
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Doesn't really matter to me personally but the way I look at it is if the video has audio a person who doesn't like the audio can just mute it and if they do they can keep sound on
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
Im fine with some soft background music, but the beat hero type of joi is a separate genre from what you usually do
  • 1
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A quick notice to say I'm going to be taking down the Symphogear - Tsubasa Kazanari JOI to fix the problem of desyncing.
Reason Im doing this is pretty obvious as its not just a small problem like spelling errors or audio effects.
Thank you to everyone who comments and liked the Symphogear - Tsubasa JOI I'm sorry they're going to get deleted but I want to make sure everyone can enjoy this video to make it the best it can be with no problems.
As usual if you see a problem or a recommendation to improve go right ahead and tell me in the comments.
  • 7
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Symphogear - Tsubasa JOI Sync problem

                           So as some people have pointed out my most recent JOI has a pretty major problem of most of it being out of sync with the beat. I'm not sure what caused this as when I uploaded the video it lost 30 seconds of its full time so I'll just pray this doesn't happen again. Sorry for the inconvenience and I'm happy to see people still liked it even with this problem.                        
  • 5
À propos de

Just your typical hentai lover who occasionally makes JOI's.

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