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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI have had both of my testicles removed due to testicle cancer which spread to my prostate that later was cured due to I caught Gonorrhea here in Bangkok, Thailand back in 2007 and I have it ever since. In order to fuck I got an Princes Wand piercing made and installed which this one is a hollow textured cross drilled surgical steel rod that is 10 mm thick and 32 cm long that is permanently held in place with a 12 gauge barbell with a 10 mm ball on each end which is inserted vertically through the Princes Wand piercing close to the end of it right before the head of my penis. The piercing alone has made me constantly horny but after I caught Gonorrhea I keep getting constantly hornier and hornier the longer I have Gonorrhea as it progresses as I am experiencing many symptoms from Gonorrhea. I am willing to talk about it.
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