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I love catfights and girl/girl wrestling. Feel free to add me as a friend if you enjoy catfights. I have a running public playlist that I try to update daily and I am always adding private content for friends only. Add me if you want to see my private videos, but I only add friends who upload private fight content. Otherwise, follow my public playlist. IF ALL YOU HAVE ARE CHEESECAKE VIDEOS, LO-RES CLIPS AND THE SAME GARBAGE EVERYONE ELSE HAS, YOUR FRIEND REQUEST WILL BE REJECTED. IF YOU CONTINUE TO SEND ME FRIEND REQUESTS, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. UPLOAD CONTENT SIMILAR TO MINE IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND. NOTE - If you are a girl in the Portland area interested in catfighting or fetish wrestling, message me. ALSO, if you are a cute chubby girl in Portland looking for some fun, hmu.
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