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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumYou are in a kigurumi. Your mask is locked and you can’t take it off. The tip of the zipper of your skinsuit is on the top of your head, and is also stuck in the mask, so you can't take off the skinsuit either. Inside the mask, you are blindfolded and you can’t see. You are gagged and you can’t speak. Drools keep falling off your mouth, making you thirsty. The hot and humid summer weather makes you sweat even more inside the suit. Dehydration makes you exhausted, so you just lie down, trying to swallow the drools to keep your mouth wet. You can’t eat and drink, because the mask has no opening at the mouth. You want to use the toilet, and there is no opening at the bottom either, so you end up wetting yourself many times. Even though your arms and legs are not tied, you are still trapped, inside a hot prison that follows you no matter where you go. Worse, no one, including you, know where the key to unlock your mask is. Without it, your suffering continues. And that is the peak of kigurumi BDSM
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