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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHi, so Valentine's day is coming up and I've never really spent it with anyone so I thought I'd go out of my way to make this one at all special. I feel very lonely recently especially since I'm 18 and haven't been in a relationship for long. I expect this to be short term, but I am totally up to see something go long term. I know this is a long shot but I'm willing to do this. About me: I like dirty talking, I'll even send pics but firstly I wanna be comfortable around you, that means verifying that you are a girl and also that my pics won't be going anywhere. I really am interested in seeing a girl get wet for me and maybe even skypeing and playing with ourselves for each other. Im about 5'10", I am tanned, muscular body type but kinda on the skinnier side, I have a from what I've been told) nice cock (msg for size ;)) and I'd love to share it with you. Also i think it'd be super hot to watch some porn together, or as a matter of fact so anything together, so let me know what you're down to do
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