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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHi, we’re a couple consisting of a 33 year old American man in Louisiana, and a 29 year old French woman in France. We’re looking to make content with others until we can be reunited. If you’re interested feel free to send us a message. We’re both versatile, he is more Dominant, bisexual, and masculine, she is more submissive, bisexual and feminine. We are both gamers, cooks, and very hyper sexual, along with being very kind hearted, passionate, Goofy at times, and fun-loving. We are madly in love, and talk on the phone for hours a day. We put each other’s happiness very high in our priorities. We love to see each other derive pleasure in anyway we can provide. We’ve been together since May 2019, and she’s been back in France since September 2019. If you’re interested, we’d love a message. Hope to hear from you soon.
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