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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI am into a lot of stuff porn-wise that I don't really get into in my actual physical sex life. Right at the top of this category is other females.. I love to see them fucking online, but I tend to be too shy to pursue them in the flesh. Maybe I'd like to hook up with another girl, but I have no game. But I am veryyy down to talk with girls online, and I love to share stories. this account was originally created at the request of my ex bf who wanted me to "cuck" him online and IRL.. but he's gone and I'm still here :) i submitted a verify pic on here 2x, but didn't get it. Don't ask me why. I have the pic uploaded though. If I follow you, it's probably because I think you're hot. love chatting with people who have good imaginations and who are good with words, but please don't ask me for any of my social media right away. and if you msg me to chat say something substantial
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