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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumFirst off I'm Bi :) 5'4, and petite including my chest which is only a small b cup. What I lack in the chest I make up for in my booty which is THICC, and I know how to use it very well ;D I'm very nerdy and love playing games, and watching anime (also hentai)! If you catch me online it's probably because i'm masturbating so if I don't respond it's because i'm a bit "busy" :) I'm VERY into breeding, and impregnation kinks! It's all I think about a lot of the time. If you're also into breeding I'd love to talk to you about it and compare fantasies :) I'm not on birth control and risky creampies are my favorite! Hoping to get bred by one of them :) I want to get pregnant soooo badly! My body aches for a baby constantly and it drives me insane when i'm in my fertile period! Feel free to message me and tell me your fantasies about how you'd breed me though if you got the chance to :) ------------------- P.S. I'm also very big into wetting, and desperation so feel free to tell me to wet myself :)
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