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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a strawberry blonde petite girl with boobs just big enough for a hand-full each, buns to match & a sweet pink camel-toe. I'm fascinated with male genitals, ever since the 1st time I saw a boy had a thing & balls!!! Especially after I found out what those balls do. I wonder how they make sperm? What they make them out of? I would love to see an x-ray video of how they do that! And the shape of the cock too with the shaft, frenulum & head is SOOO INTERESTING! I LOVE TO EXAMINE, FEEL, RUB MY HANDS ALL OVER A NICE DICK & BALLS, PLAY WITH, LICK (IF IT'S CLEAN & DON'T SMELL BAD!), SUCK & FUCK WITH A NICE DICK (NOT TOO BIG but not too little either, around about 6 inches is about right.). I'll lick & suck balls too if they're bald. Otherwise I'll rub'em gently. I don't like rough stuff! I'm also bi but obviously more interested in guys.
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