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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHello. My name is Linda R., and I've been a rack fanatic since I was eleven, and I saw the rack scene in "The Tower of London". I am (or was) a librarian, married twice, and am now a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) in deepest, darkest New Jersey (I know it says Goshen, but it's not where we am 5' 7", redheaded (all the way) and rubinesque in form, and the idea of being racked like that was enough at to persuade my first real boyfriend to "rack" me in my father's workshop...they were out shopping, of course. Well, it didn't work out as I had hoped, as he hadn't a clue as to what I wanted. In fact, I think I scared him off. Well, suffice to say that I am now married to a carpenter who shares my passion for, ah...Medieval Re-enactment! We (Chris and I ), do not take photos of our, ah..."sessions", because a number of years ago, someone did take pictures (unbeknownst) of us, and paraded them around the internet, , (not that we would've given it anyway!)..
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