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The chat is fucked so add me, and no i dont want dick pics 
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Bored so thought i'd answer some Questions

What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy? Cheating on my Girlfriend 
How many people have you with? About 150 guys and 50 girls? 
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex? DJ Booth of a busy club 
What’s your favourite part of your body? Boobs
Have you ever had anal sex? Of Course
If you could choose what you were wearing right now, what would you choose? Am Naked atm but maybe some new Heels 
Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched? Choke Me 😉 
When was the last time you had a dirty dream? Don't really dream 
If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be? Times Square 
When did you first had sex? House Party
What’s the best sex you’ve ever had? Oh god probs the guy with the 11 inch dick
What’s your favourite position? Bent over something in public
Have you ever been caught having sex? Of Course
Do you watch porn? Yes
What kind of porn do you watch? Oh god it varies 
How often do you masturbate? Daily 
Name a sex position you’d like to try? Don't know really give me suggestions?
Do you prefer to give or receive? I like to switch it up
What was your best orgasm ever? riding a sybian i guess 
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Of Course
Have you ever with someone you work with? Who hasn't?
If we were out for dinner and I said I wanted to have sex right now, what would you do? Go to the Toilets
Have you ever sent nudes of yourself? Only to my gf
If you could with any celebrity, who would it be? Selena Gomez or Margot Robbie 
Would you/have you had group sex? Had done it 
What’s the most sex you’ve had in a day? one day fucked my gf for 12 hours
Are you loud or quiet during sex? So loud
Have you ever tried using food during foreplay? Of Course
Have you ever made a sex tape? Yup
What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone? Oooh depends if its a guy or girl
Would you say you have any fetishes? Yup
When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go? I'll do anything 
What’s your favourite toy? Remote control panties
Do you ever read erotic fiction? Nah
Have you joined the mile high club? Yup
Do you think you could take off underwear with no hands? Of Course
Would you say you’re kinky? Yup
Do you enjoy shower sex? Yup
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever masturbated? In Class at school?
Do you like to be spanked? Yup
What was your most embarrassing sexual experience? Made to masturbate infront of my class
Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex? Who hasn't? 
If I ever caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish? Rather be joined 
Have you ever had an inappropriate crush? Of Course
Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex? Yup
Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex? Pretty hard when getting fucked from behind
Do you like to kiss during sex? Sure
Do you get tired after sex? Nope
How many positions do you think you’ve tried? Oh God so many
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex? Couple Weeks?
How high is your sex drive? Very
What’s a surefire way to turn you on? Groppe me
Sex with lights on or lights off? Don't care
Do you like dirty talk? As long as its original
Have you had sex in a car? Yup
Do you prefer to take control or be submissive? Switch
Do you prefer one night stands or longer term sexual partners? ONS
Do you prefer to be on top or bottom? Switch
What would you like to do more of in bed? Face fucks
What’s your favourite time of day to have sex? All time
Rough or romantic? Rough
Quickie or marathon session? Quickies
What’s your favourite part of foreplay? Making them cum quickly
Would you dress up in bed? Whats the point?
What’s your favourite place to be kissed? Neck
Do you like sexting? as long as its original
What’s the best thing about your sex life? Variety
What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an orgasm? Couple Minutes
And the longest? Few Hours
  • 12
il y a 4 ans
Who made you masturbate infront of your class?
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s'est abonné/-e à 26 stars du porno
À propos de

Cheerleader. Slut. Fucktoy. Whore. Stripper. Hairdresser. Shopping. That sums up my life quite nicely so thanks covid.....

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