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Double time to Erection and Half Quantity of Cum Fluid

With experience of sucking young virile young stud 18 to 25 year age
I have experienced phenomenon of 
Double time to Erection and Half Quantity of Cum Fluid.
Young man are so quick to ejeculate on stimulating suck that he cums within 2-3 minutes.
He will ejaculate about 15 to 20 ml of cum fluid.
When I keep on sucking then he gets eretc within 2 -3 minutes and ready to go again.
This time he takes about 6 to 8 mintues to ejaculate and cum fluid witll be just 8 - 10 ml.
I keep sucking and now he takes more than 15 minutes to get throbbing cock.
Now he can keep erection for  long 25 to 30 minutes and cum fluid is just 4-5 ml.
On fourth occasion I get tired of sucking and hand fucking but he is up and erect 
for almost 50 - 55 minutes. Now the cum fluid is just a few drops.
I have not been able to to get ejaculation fifth time and the man also complains of 
pain in balls and other areas.
Did U experience like this?
  • 4
il y a 4 ans
I can do double time erection.
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I like Shemales for sex and friendship

As a female I prefer Shemales ( having long thick cock and big boobs) for enjoyment of sex with following advantages
1. Shemale has a long thick cock available for sucking by me enjoying cum in mouth and fuck my chuti
2. Shemale has big boobs for sucking and pressing
3. Shemale can engage me in 69 sex for long period of enjoyment.
4. With Shemale we can simultaneously suck each others Nipples.
  • 5
il y a 4 ans
I do know few shemales
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
But U do not have boobs for sucking
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Bored with Social Distance away from Lunds and Chutis

Since 24th it is boring since I am missing sucking and fucking.
Any of U in medical profession cum to my house at night and let us enjoy suck-fuck sessions.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Aap kha se??mai punjab se .... check my profile and btayo milna hai
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
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Cock sucking Art

I am a professional cock sucker and I enjoy my profession.
Various cum shot scenes show man pumping his own cock to reach orgasm
and ejaculate on face or on tits or pussy area or ass.
I do not like man pumping his own cock. 
I have Ivy / Iwia as my ideal cock sucker. 
She hold the cock tip in her mouth and pumps the cock by hane at same time.
The orgasmic ejaculte goes into her mouth and she is enjoying the cum in her mouth.
I use same technique for my friends using my services.
Any one wanting my service?
  • 1
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My observations about Cock Length

I have been enjoying cocks since till today @ age 35. I have enjoyed a cock every 2 or 3 days that is over 2000 cocks. Most were Indian cocks with less than dozen of other races. Readers may like to know about my experiences.
Length:  About 15% of Erect cocks "  or less. Shortest I tasted was 3.5" erect.
              About 70% are between 5.5" to 6.25".
              About 10% are between 6.5" to 7.5" . Just 4%.5 are over 7" 
              I am yet to come across  erect  lund longer than 8.5" 
Any one having 9" or more is welcome to have free sucking services from me.         
  • 1
il y a 5 ans
Check out my lund and tell me if you would like to suck it
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I am back after 2 months. My PC was down and out and took some time to buy new one.
All my followers ask for me. I am ready to suck everyone everywhere anytime.
  • 5
À propos de
Dernière connexion:
il y a 1 an
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Self employed as entertainer
Intérêts et passe-temps:
Oral Sex with ladies and males
Livres favoris:
50 shades of gray
Ce que j'aime:
Erect cock and dripping pussy
Affichages de profil:
15 239
Vidéos vues:
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Ce site n’est destiné qu’aux utilisateurs âgés de plus de 18 ans.