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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumAbout Me: I'm full tomboy with girly girl tendencies as well. I enjoy walking outside and staying inside with a good book. I'm very distrusting to strangers and those who have broken my trust. I have high anxiety and PTSD. I am extremely introverted. I would rather spend a quiet evening at home reading, watching television,fixing things or working on vehicles. I’m Very shy around people I dont know. I will state this upfront, I have real trust issues. The line You can trust me is normally a red flag for I dont want to show you I am trustworthy. In my exerience actions always speak louder than words. If you tell me you are going to call me or text me and you dont keep your word, sorry but I will not trust you. (And I understand life happens, emergencies happen, but if I can keep a running tally of all the times you do and do NOT keep your word, and the NOT side is much longer, I will not be interested in you for every long.) I wanted to add this little piece to my profile- Yes I’m a Masochist,Yes i May
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