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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumBorn in Hongrie in April 1980 and raised in hongrie, Mia Skye Love, formerly known as Mia Skye Ass, gained an exponential fame thanks to her youthful and baby look. She has the looks of her mother who is Hongrie. She chose the name Mia Skye love insire of several porn star. In February 2019, she decided to shorten it and started using just Mia skye love. Her eyes are sky blue and that's where her second part of her stage name, Mia Skye Love, comes from. In high school, Mia Skye love was a wild is pet, wearing many dark clothes and constantly dying of her hair. Later, she became a complete opposite, transforming herself into an animal and sensual and chic girl. In her early years, she practiced ballet, gymnastics. Mia skye Love loves dogs (a lot!), Music that listens and plays and turns the flags. Mia Skye Love started making money by doing webcam shows, and then at retail, working. Mia Skye Love realized it was too personal for her. She entered the porn trade in 2019 after an agency approached her on T
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