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Arlington, United States
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My One True Fantasy

A rewriting of an excerpt from a conversation that encapsulate the kind of person I wish to be, but am too afraid to embrace:
"What I've REALLY desired to do is call everyone that I've worked with to my Library's meeting room, strip naked, sit on the long desk and finger my bare pussy as everyone that I've known and respect watch me climax before them. Some with looks of disgust. Others a look of disappointment. A few with giggles, cheers and laughter. And those with eyes that hide thoughts of sexual imaginations about me.
I want that feeling. I long for that feeling. The shame and humiliation that can break me free from my monotonous lifestyle. I want to be seen and judged, not with respect, but with derision. I want to feel like I've done something so horrific, that I can't show my face in public. Every thought people might have about me is associated with a common whore. I want to feel like people could easily with me and me. I want the isolation of embarrassment. I want to be constantly stripped down by the eyes of lustful men and women. I want to stumble across rumors and lies that further tarnish my already infamous reputation.
It's the kind of act that I just can't bring myself doing, but I fantasize about all the time as I masturbate and cum really hard at home. The fantasy of becoming a slave to everyone's opinion and to be lower than your average whore."
  • 39
il y a 7 ans
You are a great writer, makes you even SEXIER 😉
  • 0
il y a 7 ans
Good lord.  Nice fantasy
  • 0
il y a 7 ans
Mmm this fantasy got me wanting to watch you play with you pussy. You should uplaod a video so that this community can look at you as your a slut and see your naked pussy.
  • 0
il y a 7 ans
Is that a good wow or a bad wow? Haha
  • 1
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "8 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "7 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "6 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "2 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "1 year old account "
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Sophomore"
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I'm baaaaack~!!

Current Mood:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sopv7a_kkF0
  • 2
il y a 7 ans
It's good to be back~! 🙂
  • 0
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I feel like ! [obligatory irl sobbing]
  • 3
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Oh snap!

Am I.....back from vacation??? 😲
  • 5
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Hey guys

I just came here to set one card face down and end my turn.
  • 5
il y a 7 ans
I died xD
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It's doing it again

                   I can't post messages! Fuuuuuck!!!! I'll try and get it fixed asap!                Seriously PH, not this again! Things were getting good!!!! AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  • 1
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Gatherer"
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It's that time of the year!

I will get as as a spoiled, rich valley girl that has daddy issues and his credit cards for a shopping spree. I guarantee it!
  • 7
À propos de

Just got back online after over a year. Til this pandemic blows over, I'm gonna spend time blowing my man more.

Dernière connexion:
il y a 4 ans
Situation amoureuse:
"United States"
Head Librarian
The University of None of Your Goddamn Business
Intérêts et passe-temps:
Sitting at home, eating a lot and being pregnant. Fun times....not really.
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
The home video of me sucking off your dad. (You know the one.)
Musique favorite:
Anything Norah Jones and Caro Emerald has made. Good bass, soft acoustics and upbeat/catchy tunes.
Livres favoris:
The Count of Monte Cristo (The beginning of my love of books.), tons of Sci-fi, horror, adventure and drama. (Romance is overrated and erotic novels are all the same.) I will even include mangas too, but I'm not up to date on mangas nowadays.
Ce que j'aime:
My husband. Exhibitionism. Norah Jones (My WCW. She's pretty hot. I'd fuck her). Funny people (Like, Louis CK.). People with weird fantasies (Non- fantasies mind you, except for spanking.)
Ce que je déteste:
Arrogant people. People who talk about sports a lot (I don't care for sports). People who aren't courteous. When you turn the lights off when we have sex. Dirty bedrooms BEFORE sex (It should only be dirty after I come over....but then I'll help you clean it up because that's how I am haha)
Affichages de profil:
4 842
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