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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premium. l am dominant but ironically prefer to be overpowered and tied up which makes me an interesting sub, l don't suffer fools, l have no time for weak men and if l play l want to be satisfied by being totally overpowered, tied how l want to be tied and then to cum, if my play partner can get me under control l expect them to respect my wishes but from this point use their imaginationand take me beyond my comfort zone. Ultimate fantasy; dressing in something skin-tight and shiny. going into a bar. teasing the f,,k out of a couple of guys (1's not enough to overpower me on his own), getting grabbed by them walking home bundled into their van, hogtied, gagged & used as a plaything for a week. Oh dear. it seems l have to explain to some wannabe bondage guys out there that. my "fantasiest" is a collection l've made depicting what l would like to try out for real. Sad little men... Also, don't bother messaging me with your plans to grab me and tied me up. lt really isn't that easy in real life, especially with
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