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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumBorn in the coastal town of Sakaiminato, Mizuki was originally named Shigeru Mura (?? ? Mura Shigeru), the second of three sons. Described as a drifting, curious , his earliest pursuits included copious amounts of drawing and hearing ghost stories from a local woman he nicknamed "Nononba".[1] However, in 1942, he was drafted into the Imperial Japanese Army and sent to New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea. His wartime experiences affected him greatly, as he contracted malaria, watched friends die from battle wounds and disease, and dealt with other horrors of war. Finally, in an Allied air raid, he was caught in an explosion and lost his left arm. While a prisoner of war on Rabaul, he was befriended by the local Tolai tribespeople, who offered him land, a home, and citizenship via marriage to one of the local women. Mizuki acknowledged he considered remaining behind, but was shamed by a military doctor into returning home to Japan first to face his parents, which he did .
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