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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumhelloo, i go by petpancakes and iam here to chat up with who ever is interested in talking...NO DIRTY TALK... iam not here for that. iam more into talking to genuine people, would like to just be open and talk about anything that comes up. i dont have much friends in the real world, but iam always up to a good chat. Get to know me n iam sure youll want to be my friend lol most of all iam just here to hear from others experiences and maybe get more insight into how a guy thinks n feels about certain things....truth is i never really dated much so theres obviouly lots i dont know. iam in a commited relationship. been together , just looking to know more and do better and understand how the mind of a guy goes on and about so i can work my charms aroud it all lol iam up for suggestions, new ideas. iam very open minded so conversations about sex is quite the topic for me on here haha favoriting my photos and comments always brightens up my day and also gives me reason to upload more...♡♡♡
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